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Mila walks into the hospital. She walk past the sick and injured and to the receptionist. The older woman in her forties with a blonde bob looks up at Mila. Mila gives her a small smile.

"Hi, I'm here for this guy. He um, he came here last night. Injured on his side. He has tattoos on his hands and brown hair. Blue eyes."

"I think I know who you're talking about. He walked out a couple of hours ago."

Mila tsk before giving her another smile.

"Thank you for informing me. Have a nice night."

Mila turns around and walks out of the hospital. Pissed that she came and he was gone. And now she has to walk to the bus stop. Luckily, it wasn't far but still a couple of blocks.

She decided to miss out on her pack of donuts and her orange juice as she begins walking. She ignores the cat whistle of men and the glances of other pedestrians. It takes her at least fifteen minutes to reach the familiar bus stop. Leaning on the pole a tall figure with smoke falling from the hood.

Mila ignores it as she sits down. She zips up her coat as the harsh wind blew against her skin. The figure drops the cigarette onto the floor and crushes it with his leather boots. He sits down beside Mila.

When he take off his hood Mila couldn't help but glance. Even from the side, he is recognizable. Mila looks away. She wondered how long he had been out here. Or if he's here for her?

"It took you a little longer than I expected." He speaks.

Mila rubs her hands together.

"Looks like you're all better." She comment.

He turns to her.

"I told you I don't die easy. Besides a few bullets never hurt anyone."

When the words bullets flies out his mouth so calmly- as if it was normal it was then that Mila turn to him. Looking at him as if he had grown two heads.


"Three. But I'm not here to talk to you about bullets."

"You shouldn't be here." She emphasized.

"It's a bus stop. Anyone can be here." He smirks licking his lips.

Mila ignores him. Mostly because he was right. At the same time, she knew he wasn't there because this was his bus stop home. She just knew it. He was here for her.

"What's your name?" He asks her.

"You first," Mila suggest.

He rubs his jaw. His smirk never left his lips.



He looks down at her. His eyes not focusing much as her coat covered most of her upper body.

"Well Mila," her name effortlessly falls out his mouth making her shift in her seat. "How can I ever repay you for saving my life?" He asks leaning closer to her.

Mila shakes her head.

"It was something anyone would do."

"Well, you're not just anyone. I never had someone so pretty save me before." His smirk widens.

She looks away feeling hot under his glance. His tattooed hand reaches out for his chin. His hands gently graze her skin. Like she's a porcelain doll, he gently grabs her chin and makes her face him once again.

"I don't want anything." She blurts out.

"Not even a ride home? You rather stay out here in the cold?"

"I don't get in strangers' cars."

"Do all strangers know your name? And why would I even think about hurting someone who just saved my life?"

Mila moves away from his touch. She stands up and faces him.

"I rather take my chances with the bus."

"Suit yourself, Mila." He stands up and immediately she looks up at his frame.

He winks at her before walking down the street. Mila sits back down and crosses her arms. She hears an engine roar. Her eyes look up to see a slick black Lamborghini drive down the street. She rolls her eyes and waits for the bus to come.

Ivan's LoverTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang