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Mila let the waiter pour the wine into her glass and she thanked him. Ivan doesn't touch his glass as he looks over at Mila. Mila takes a sip and ignores the intense glare from Ivan.

"Are you two ready-"

"No, come back in five minutes," Ivan tells him.

Mila places her glass down about to speak but the waiter leaves quickly. Ivan tilts his head to the side as his fingers tap on the white cloth.

"Are you going to look at me with that stupid look on your face or are you going to answer me, Mila?" Ivan asks her.

She opens her mouth to find it dry. Clearing her throat she sits up and looks down at the table. The answer was simple. Yet, it caught her off guard. She didn't expect the first thing they would talk about on this date was the reason for her leaving. If anything she thought the conversation would consist of Remi.

"You were and still are dangerous to be around. I didn't want to keep living like that." She tells him honestly.

Ivan hums before picking up his glass.

"I'm not hungry anymore." He says before taking a sip of his wine.

"W-well I am." She stutters as he places his glass down.

"Get the burger." He tells her as he runs his fingers through his hair.

She nods as her fingers fiddle with one another. And for the rest of the date, they didn't share another word. Instead she just ate the burger as nicely as she can with Ivan staring at her. He looked confused, as if he wanted to speak but didn't. Instead, he just continue to stare causing Mila to become more anxious than she already was.

Soon the nervousness filled Mila up and she was done eating a little too soon. Ivan paid for the food and left a tip before they both left. The valet handed him the keys before telling them to have a great night.

When they got in the car, with Ivan driving away, Mila look out the window. She bite her bottom lip until she notice how far out they were driving. She turns her head to face Ivan as her lips trembles before speaking.

"Are you taking me home?" She asks him.

Ivan doesn't answer her as he turns left until they were in front of the gate. Rolling down his window, he enters a code before hearing a loud buzzer. Waiting for the gate to open, he reaches over to the glove department in front of Mila before pulling out a pack of cigarettes.

Grabbing it, he takes a cigarette and then casually tosses the box onto Mila's lap. He digs deep into his pocket and pulls out a lighter. Mila looks away from him as she let out a shaky breath. He places the cigarette in between his lips just before lighting the cigarette.

"You still smoke?" She asks him.

Ivan places the lighter back into his pocket before inhaling the toxins. Taking the cigarette out from between his lips, smoke falls from his mouth.

"Usually when I'm just angry." He says as the gate opens.

He drives into the gated neighborhood while Mila bites her bottom lip. She places the pack of cigarettes and the lighter back into the glove compartment before sitting back in her chair. Her right leg shakes as they continue driving for a few more seconds before Ivan pulls up into a driveway.

A large white mansion, that was twice the size of Mila's apartment. Ivan turns off the car before getting out of the car. Mila sighs quietly as she gets out as well. She follows Ivan as he takes out his keys, jiggling them in his hands.

Reaching the grand doors, he unlocks them and walks in leaving the door open for Mila to come in. When she does, she closes the door softly before looking around. An entrance hall greets her with a large gold vase in the middle with roses in them, placed on a table. She walks around it but her eyes don't leave until the living room grabs her attention.

Ivan sits down on the couch and crushes the cigarette into the ashtray. The large, dark grey lounge couch was beautiful. She wondered if Ivan decorated his house or if he hired someone. Her mind was lingering more towards someone else decorating his place, however.

She sit down beside him, deciding not to speak since he mentioned the fact that he was angry. She didn't know why he was angry or what she could've said that could've gotten him angry but she didn't want to push it. She just clears her throat and places her hand on her lap. He turns to her as the last smoke falls from his mouth.

"You're not leaving me again." He states as he pushes his hair to the side. "I don't care if you fall out of love with me, you're not leaving my life." He tells her.


"I love you, Mila." He says grabbing her hand.

Her mouth becomes dry once again as her heart race. He leans closer to her, their nose touching as he cuffs the side of her face gently. "After all this time, I'm still in love with you." He says as he leans even closer to Mila before placing his lips onto hers.

The kiss was slow and passionate. Mila tasted the toxins from his cigarette on his tongue as he deepen the kiss. Their lips move in sync as Mila pulls Ivan down on top of her. She moans in his mouth as he grips the armrest of his couch. Squeezing the armrest tight, he moves his lips down to the side of her neck. Just as he placed a kiss on her skin that sent tingles down her spine, reality hits her like a slap across the face.

"Stop, we should stop," Mila tells him as places her hand on his chest.

Ivan lifts his head with his blue eyes lingering on her dark brown ones.

"Why?" Ivan asks as his eyes flicker between her lips and her eyes.

"Because." Mila starts as she tries to find a reason. "I'm celibate." She burst out.

Ivan's eyes squint at her while he tilts his head. As she was about to scurry away from underneath him, she couldn't help but feel him in between her legs. Her eyes widen as she looks down.

"Are you-"

Ivan rolls his eyes as he gets off of her. "Obviously Mila," Ivan says as he begins to walk away.

"It was just a kiss. You got hard from a kiss-"

"Mila shut up before I put my dick in your mouth." He says as he walks up the stairs.

Immediately Mila shut her mouth as her eyes widen at Ivan's vulgar words.

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