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3 years later

"Five hundred dollars? For a freaking bag?" Mila expresses as she holds the black handbag.

The man opens his mouth but Mila plops the handbag on the counter and walks away. She sighs loudly as she slams her hand on her forehead as Kate walks up to her with several bags in her hands.

"Okay, so I kinda went overboard," Kate says as she looks down at the shopping bags.

"You think?"

Kate rolls her eyes as she stands beside Mila.

"Well, you overspend too."

"Yeah well, that's because I needed some clothes. I have a date tonight." Mila smiles as she gently nudges Kate's right arm.

"About time, you deserve a nice date."

"He came to the art gala a few nights ago and he said he was an art collector. I'm excited." Mila says feeling her cheeks heat up.

"I'm so happy for you, ugh I wish I were dating. Being celibate is so hard." Kate sighs making Mila laugh.

Mila put on her earrings as she focus on herself in the mirror that was leaning against the wall. Kate who was currently laying in a new red bed let out a loud yawn.

"You look great," Kate says rubbing her eyes.

"Thank you," Mila says as she stands up straight.

She checks herself out in the mirror. She wore a red dress that complimented her brown skin. It stopped mid-thigh and it cling to her curves. With a full face of makeup and perfecting the perfect smile, she knew tonight would be perfect.

Hearing the doorbell ring, she gasped loudly before smiling ear to ear. Grabbing her black purse, she lightly jogs to Kate. She places a kiss on her cheek before running out of her bedroom. Running down the halls of the apartment filled the sounds of her heels hitting the floor.

When she reaches the door she takes a deep breath. Telling herself that everything would be totally fine and that this date would be the best one she had in years. Yet, when she opens the door with her perfected smile it drops almost instantly.

Her sister looks at Mila before twisting her face. The expression on her face was guilt and pity. Holding a pink and blue spiral design diaper bag as she holds a toddler who was sleeping peacefully on her chest. Mila groans softly.

"Michelle, you promised," Mila says as throws her head back while stomping the ground with her right heel.

"I know and I'm sorry." She says passing the sleeping toddler to Mila.

Mila takes the toddler in her hands as she let out a quiet sigh.

"It's fine, I'll just reschedule," Mila mutters as she grabs the bag from her sister.

Michelle tells her to a have good night before walking. Mila takes this advantage to put up her middle finger before closing the door shut. She huffs loudly as she drops the bag onto the floor as the toddler placed her thumb in her mouth.

Mila had the same unhealthy habit as the toddler. She takes the toddler's thumb out of her mouth just to hear her whine loudly.

"Stop it Remi."

She walks back to her room, opens the door, and looks at Kate who was slightly dozing off. Mila clears her throat causing Kate to open her eyes. As soon as she sees the toddler, she sits up as if all the energy just came back to her.

"Give me the baby."

Mila smiles as she gives Remi to Kate.

"You wouldn't mind watching her for tonight? I'll be back before she wakes up in the morning."

Kate scoffs as she waves Mila off with her free hand.

"Of course, I don't mind. I get to spend time with my niece and her mommy gets to find- hopefully, a rich husband."

"Thank you, Kate." Mila laughs as she places a kiss on Remi's forehead.

"No problem, I might do her hair since she's asleep, beads or not?" Kate asks Mila.

"She has a daycare in the morning, so yes for beads. Hopefully, she won't take them out." Mila says before rushing out of the room.

And just like that, she was once again excited about tonight's date.

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