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Happy New Years 🎆
Y'all thought I forgot to update? Cus I did 💀

"Better mommy?" Remi asks placing the toy thermometer in Mila's mouth.

Mila nods as she takes it out with a smile. It had been two days since her sickness but still, she was feeling a little under the weather. Remi put the thermometer in the bath water as bubbles cover both of their bodies.

"Auntie Kate made us chicken and broccoli. That means we have to hurry up and get out of the bathtub."

"No," Remi says shaking her head.

"No? Don't you want to eat? I might get a little sicker if I don't eat?" Mila says as she fake pouts.

Remi looks up at her mother before smiling.

"Fine mommy."

Mila chuckles before bringing Remi closer. "I love you so much." She smiles before placing a kiss on Remi's's cheek.

"I love you too mommy."

Mila places a kiss on Remi's forehead as she sleeps in her bed. Carefully walking out of the room, Mila close the door just a bit leaving the door just a bit open. Kate sits on top of the counter as she eats the Ben and Jerry ice cream from out of the tub.

Mila walks towards her before grabbing the spoon from her hands.

"What have I told you about eating out of the tub ma'am?" Mila asks her friend.

One of Kate's eyebrows raises as she deadpans.

"And what have I told you about fucking your exes?"

Mila groans loudly. "I promise Kate nothing happened between us. I was sick and just wanted him to shut up."

"Yeah offering the coochie shut him up," Kate says as she grabs the spoon from her hand. "I mean, don't get me wrong he's fucking crazy and a criminal. But he's hot. I don't blame you if you do fall off the wagon. I mean when was the last time you had toe-curling, wig-snatching, sore throat sex? Hell, when was the last time I had that? It has been months." Kate rambles causing Mila to chuckle.

"I don't know if things would ever be the same as it was when it comes to Ivan. I just think we are better apart." Mila tells her.

"Eh, good thing you two are co-parenting. You know what they say about baby daddies and their baby mamas, they are never really done with each other." Kate says shrugging her shoulders.

"Well if he is so sure he wants to chase after me, do you think I should ask him for the money for Remi's daycare this week? Money is tight and as much as I want to be independent and don't want to ask anyone for money, I think it would be dumb for me not to ask him. He has the money."

"Oh Mila, by all means, please do. I mean I don't like the whole, I'm a woman and independent and hustler thing anyways. Like if you have someone like Ivan who can buy a whole fucking island if he wanted to in your life, it would be dumb to be struggling because of your ego or pride. You shouldn't feel ashamed to ask someone for help." Kate tells her as she scoops her spoon into the tub of ice cream.

Mila nods as she let out a loud sigh.

"You're right, I'll give him a call tomorrow-"

She stops her sentence when she hears a knock at the door. Kate looks over her shoulder and towards the door as well before scoffing out loud.

"It's giving booty call." Kate chuckles causing Mila to playfully roll her eyes.

Mila walks over to the door and unlocks it. As she open the door, she wasn't surprised that it was Ivan. He stands there with his hands stuffed in his pocket.

"It's ten o'clock at night Ivan."

"Well, I guess someone is feeling better. I just came here because... I would like to spend more time with Remi. My house is done being renovated and-"

"Perfect, come inside." Mila cut him off as she opens the door wider.

Ivan raises one of his eyebrows as he gives her a questionable look. Yet no words don't come out of his mouth as he walks inside her apartment. He goes over to Kate about to pull the tub of ice cream away until she pulls it back herself before scoffing.

"I barely tolerate your presence, what makes you think I will share my cookies and cream ice cream with you? Are you out of your mind?"

"I like you, Kate, I thought we were great friends," Ivan smirks amused at her.

Kate drops down from the counter as she glares at him.

"Oh no, you're not going to hypnotize me like you do Mila," Kate tells him before walking off.

Ivan chuckles turning around to see Mila standing in front of him. She clears her throat before looking up at him.

"I thought about it, Remi does like you and I decided I won't be bitter anymore. You're her father and she should know you. But there's rules and regulations." She tells him.

"I already know, keep her safe-"

"Duh dummy. I have her on a routine that I expect her to follow. I'll write it down before you pick her up. And the rules are to keep her safe but no random girls over Ivan. If it's not your little maids or servants, I don't want them near the house. Do not cuss either, absolutely no cussing. I know the food that she likes and don't like and she's allergic to peanuts so please read the ingredients on food before you feed it to her." Mila explains to him.

Ivan open his mouth to speak but Mila beat him to it.

"Also, since you're here and staying, I do not want to pay for everything myself. I have a car note, and cable bill, then I have to buy clothes and diapers for Remi- and yes I know she's two and should be off diapers but I'm already working on that so don't even try it, Ivan." Mila tells him as she points at him.


"And I need you to pay for some things like her daycare bill. It's weekly and it's fucking expensive and they raise the price which is killing me. Do you know how much daycare costs? Weekly Ivan? It can make a grown man cry."

Ivan places his hands on her shoulders before tilting his head at her.

"You're talking too much."

"You know what Ivan, I'm being serious-"

"I'll pay for her daycare Mila. Now can you calm down?"

Mila crosses her arms as she pulls away from Ivan's touch. She bites her bottom lip before sighing out loud.

"Good, we're on the same page. Make sure to lock the door on your way out."

"I was thinking about if I can stay the night. We can cuddle-"

"That was a one-time thing. I'm more than happy to let you sleep on the couch though. Have a great nice Ivan." Mila says as she begins walking away.

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