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Yea yea, I missed last week😭 I'm sorry but I genuinely was not in da mood but I'm doing much better now. 

Also since this book is about to be over i have two stories that I want to post. Should I post a vampire love story or a millionaire love story?? Let me know 😂

Mila blows out a deep breath as her eyes wonders around the mall. After Kate convinced her to hang out with her, they decided to end their day shopping.

While Kate was trying on different clothes Mila just waited patiently. Trying not to grow bored of wanting for Kate. She push aside her hair before she ends up walking towards the clothing rack. She picks up the sundress and tilt her head to the side.

The dress was cute for sure but she didn't know if she should spend her money on something that she would only wear once. She contemplated on what to do before hearing Kate voice.

"I'm just going to get the light pink blouse. I think the green is too bold. Even for me." Kate says walking up to Mila.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. The dress is cute, you should buy it." Kate tells her.

"I don't know-"

"You only live once, buy the dress." Kate gently nudge the side of her arm. "Matter of fact, I'll buy the dress for you." Kate says grabbing the dress from Mila hands. "Thank me later."

Mila watch as Kate walk away. A part of her envied Kate. She did what she wanted with little to no regrets. Kate was the lucky one. She was bold and had confidence. She wondered how the two stayed friends for so long.

She sigh loudly before following behind Kate.

Mila holds Kate hands as she help her little hands roll the ball of cookie dough. While Kate was sitting on the couch talking on the phone Mila thought to spend quality time with her daughter. It would be nice since she felt like she haven't spent time with Remi in such a long time.

Remi place the ball of cookies on the tray before giggling. Mila smiles before scooping out another piece of cookie dough out. There the two balled it until they were satisfied. Kate eventually gets off the phone and walk towards the counter where she stands on the other side from Mila and Remi.

"Ditch Ivan and let's watch a movie tonight. I'm in a mood for a horror movie." Kate tells her.

"Mhm, I'm sure he'll understand."

"Ivan? Understand? I don't think those two goes together." Kate says causing Mila to laugh.

"He have to understand that I'm not always going be right next to him nor that he can just come in bargaining in whenever he wants either. I need to tell him what personal space means." Mila tells Kate as Remi place the ball of cookie dough on the tray.

"You want to do it by yourself Rem?" Mila asks her.

Remi nods as Mila pull her hands away. Kate let out a loud groan.

"Ivan is a bit clingy. Mila be honest, do you think I'm a nice person?" Kate asks her.

"Oh absolutely not. Remember what you said about that old woman upstairs. That's why she never give us anything for Christmas like she do for the other residents."

"Fuck her limp walking ass. And I didn't mean to offend her, I was genuinely concerned about her eating those hard ass cookies. She barely have any teeth in her mouth." Kate says causing Mila to laugh.

"No cursing around Remi remember?" Mila manages to say in between her laughs.

"Oh I honestly forgot she was here. My bad Rem." Kate apologizes as she walks over to Remi. "That mean old lady is a menace." Kate sighs rolling her eyes.

"No you're a mean person. Now come help us make cookies"

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