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"You said you were taking me home." Mila groans getting out of the car.

She had been sitting down all day and all she wanted to do is lay down and sleep. Ivan ignores her as he walks into the store, and Mila follows behind him. He walk to the cashier where a woman was.

She's tall, in her mid-forties, with a black pantsuit and a bun on top of her head. Diamonds earrings on her ear as she wears a silver watch. Ivan leans on the counter as the woman rolls her eyes.

"Here to stand me up again?" The woman asks bitterly.

Ivan chuckles.

"Agnes baby, miss me?"

"Who's the girl?" She asks as Mila stands behind Ivan.

Ivan looks over his shoulder. Mila crosses her arms as he looks back at Agnes. He sighs running his fingers through his hair.

"I need a suit. A tuxedo actually, you know my size."

"Any color? I think you would very dashing in pink."

"You're so funny. Black, white, or red."

Agnes glance at Mila.

"And her?"

Ivan turns around at Mila. He took her up and down before standing up straight. He grabs her by her coat and unzips her. He opens up her coat and looks at her outfit. A plain blue shirt with denim jeans with black converse.

"Want to play dress up?" He asks letting his finger trail down her cheek.

She slaps his hand away.

"Where are you taking me?"

"We... we are going to have fun."

Mila takes a glass of champagne. She wasn't expecting to go to a party. Especially a party with clearly wealthy people. She thanks the server and take a sip.

Ivan who was dressed in a black tuxedo was sitting down beside a couple of men. They were all laughing and smoking their big cigars. Mila wore a red dress. A short red sleeve dress that Agnes let her borrow along with black heels.

A dress that Ivan hasn't seen yet. Mila decided to change into the bathroom and be in there for at least twenty minutes. Mostly overwhelmed because of the banquet hall. She was slightly worried about how she looked in it.

She felt like everyone was looking at her. Taking another big sip of champagne. She places the glass on the bar. Her eyes wander around until it lands on Ivan. He was just sitting there, standing out from the rest of the men. A man sitting beside Ivan notices Mila.

Mila immediately looks away. She huffs loudly. She glances over her shoulder to see Ivan looking right at her. He sets his glass on the table before standing up. She looks back in front of her and huffs once again.

She plays with her empty champagne glass. Letting the tip of her fingers twirl around on the rim. Hands touch her hips. Mila turns around and looks at him. Ivan smirks as his eyes run up and down her body.

"Is this why you took so long? To look pretty for me?" He asks letting his hand travel up to the sides of her stomach.

"Actually to look pretty for the guy over there?" Mila says gesturing to the man on the other side of the room.

Ivan follows her finger to see a guy. Handsome, chocolate skin with dark brown hair. With a beard and wearing a black suit. His muscles were big as if he worked out every day.

Ivan looks back at her and chuckles. She leans on the bar as Ivan's hands drop from her body. Amused, she lick her lips and raise a brow. He takes a step closer to her. Letting his hands land on each side of the bar, he smacks his lips.

"Don't tease me." He smirks.

"Why did you bring me here?" Mila asks as she takes her hand away from the empty glass.

"Why not? I didn't want to be bored."

"How long am I going to be here?"

"All these questions. You're hungry?" He asks her.


Ivan cut her off by grabbing her wrist and dragging her away. She notice she was being dragged to the table he was originally sitting at. The men don't look their way as Ivan sits Mila down on his chair. Ivan grabs a chair for himself and sits down beside her.

He pulls his plate towards her. He grabs his knife and fork and begins cutting the steak. Mila turns to him.

"I don't eat steak." She tells him.

"Good thing the steak isn't for you. I asked if you were hungry, but you didn't open your mouth so you're not eating." He says taking the piece of meat into his mouth.

Mila rolls her eyes as she sits back. She crosses her arms over her chest slightly annoyed. She didn't want to watch him eat. Mila bites her bottom lip and pulls it into her mouth. She rather bites her lip than say something she might regret.

"Stop pouting."

She releases the grip from her lip. "Can you just take me home?"

"I'm not done eating."

"Can't you just take it to go?"

Ivan grabs her jaw. Turning her head to face him his eyes darken. Mila's heartbeat quickens.

"You complain too much." He tells her.

He let go of her jaw and stand up. He grabs Mila's hands and pulls her away from the table. Mila quickly stands up and gets dragged to the dance floor. He places his hands on her waist and pulls her close to him.

"What are you doing?"

"Dancing like everyone else." He tells her in a 'duh' tone.

She rolls her eyes as she wraps her arms around his neck. One dance can't hurt, she tells herself. The piano music was slow. They rock side to side to the music. Nothing too crazy.

Simple dancing. Mila rests her head on his chest. She feels his warmth radiating off him. He feels so nice and warm. And she craved it. She let out a deep breath.

"Isn't this fun?" Ivan asks her.

"Why did you bring me and not some other girl?" She asks him.

Ivan's hands slightly squeeze her sides.

"Because I like your company. I think I'm rubbing off on you." He tells her.

Mila rolls her eyes and look up at him.

"Poor me."

Ivan's LoverWhere stories live. Discover now