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Mila crosses her arms as she glares at the unwelcome guest. She woke up hearing Remi giggle and laugh. Thinking it was just Kate playing with her early in the morning until she realized that Kate was right beside her. Last night, Mila was too busy annoyed, and scared mess that Kate offered to have a little girls' night to get their minds off things.

When Mila rushed into the living room she was shocked to see Ivan and his little protection servicemen scattered across the apartment. Bags fill the couch with Remi on his back, her little arms wrapped around his neck.

She didn't know how he got in but he didn't give her any time to even talk to her. He was all about Remi. Remi, Remi, Remi. She hated how careless he was and how he didn't see the issues in his problematic ways.

She cooked breakfast, however, despite the annoyance and unwelcome guests. Remi barely ate because of all the new toys Ivan bought in. Mila didn't care that he bought them for her. It was sweet to see that he cared about his daughter when most men would deny it and try not to form a bond with them.

It was the fact that he bought it into her apartment at eight in the morning and had her open it leaving the boxes and such on the floor. While the two were enjoying one's company, she was cleaning after them. And she despises the fact that they looked so much alike. It was uncanny.

Now, not only Mila was annoyed and pissed, she wanted them out as soon as possible. Ivan noticed when he looked over at Mila to see the frown and the squinted eyes. He places Mila down on the floor before whispering in her ear. Remi being the dramatic little one that she is, gasp loudly before running away into her room. She closes the door shut while Ivan cracks his neck.

"You should be smiling, it's a wonderful-"

"How did you get in here?" Mila asks him.

Ivan leans back in the chair as he shrugs his shoulders. "I have a key."

Mila scoffs loudly. "Real funny Ivan." She says rolling her eyes.

Ivan tilts his head just a bit before digging into his right pocket. Not even a few seconds later, he pulls out a red keychain with a dark golden brown key attached to it. Mila's eyes go wide as her eyes flicker between the key and him.

Quickly she tries to snatch it away but he retracted his hand, his lips turning into a sly smirk. Mila was almost speechless. Her lips tremble before speaking.


"I have all the keys to my residents." He told her nonchalantly.

"My landlord is Mr-"

"You know, I own several properties. Not everything I do is illegal. Not only do I have the experience of owning properties, but this is also the most effective way of making sure you and my daughter are safe."  He explains to her.

Mila stared at him for a while. Her brain trying to process his words. She opens her mouth to speak before quickly shutting it and slamming her palm over her forehead.

"You're fucking crazy." She scoffs once again.

"Give me Remi's diaper bag."

Mila drops her hand away from her palm. "You're not taking her out of this apartment."

"I wasn't asking."

"I'm telling you, Ivan, you're not taking her out of this apartment. And you didn't even attempt to tell me where you going to take her." Mila says glaring at him.

"Because I don't have to."

"She is not going to your house when you probably have all types of women entering and leaving. The last thing I need is for Remi to see a half-naked skank leaving your place." Mila tells him before rolling her eyes once again.

Ivan chuckles softly catching Mila off guard. One of her eyebrows raised as she leaned back on the sofa. Ivan says something in another language in a deep voice. How much she was irritated she couldn't deny the little tingles in her stomach.

"How many men have Remi seen you with?"


"I find that hard to believe. So after you fuck them do you tell them about our child and they stop texting you? Or do you just fuck them and go on with your day?" He ask her with a dark yet amused tone.

Mila could slowly feel the anger going through her body as she stare at him in disbelief. She couldn't believe the words he was saying to her.

"It's none of your business who I sleep with, but if you must know, when I date someone I usually don't tend to sleep with them until I think we're ready."

"So on the first date?"

"I and that guy wasn't dating. If you didn't notice Ivan, I'm a grown woman. And I can fuck whoever I want if I want and I wanted to fuck him and I did." Mila says standing up.

Ivan stand up as well as the room quickly filled with tension. He towers over her as he looks down at her. Mila looked back at him with the same angry look on her face. The two both slowly unravel their anger.

"I would watch your mouth." He says as his veins pop out on his arms as he balls up his hands into fists.

Mila doesn't wait for any second to respond to him.

"Since you're so obsessed with who I sleep with, do you want to know how good it fucking felt when he kissed me? Touched me everywhere over my body? When he got on top of me and slid his big, long, di-"

In an instant Ivan's hand wrapped around Mila's throat as he pull her close to him. She let out an inaudible gasp at the tightness of his grip. Her hands reach for his wrist as he grabs the back of her hair yanking it down so that she stares up at him. Her neck aching for the pain of looking up at him.

"Listen to me, and listen carefully, Mila. I'm going to let you get away with this, only this one time. The next time you try to taunt me about fucking another man, I'm going to make you regret opening your mouth." He says gritting his teeth for his final words.

Roughly he let her go, pushing her onto the couch. Mila gasped as she immediately places her hand on her neck before throwing the couch pillow at him. It hits him right on his face before dropping to the ground.

"Asshole." She mumbles under her breath.

"You heard what I said and I mean it, Mila. Now get me the fucking bag before I lose my temper."

"No. She's not leaving this apartment but you are free to go."

"Fine, I'll just stay here then. I have nothing else to do anyways." Ivan says as he sits back down on the chair.

Mila stomps her foot on the ground like a child. She wanted him out but he wasn't going to leave. So she just huff loudly before storming into the kitchen. She decided to ignore his presence. No matter how long it takes.

Ivan's LoverWhere stories live. Discover now