Chapter 11: Demon Emperor and Death Incarnate

Start from the beginning

"But why waste time with an alliance with insects? Surely with our forces, we can easily this Capital and make it yours as it's true Emperor." Thirteenth pointed out.

"Maybe but where's the fun in that anyway. The Empire has become corrupt, decayed but stubborn to die, all because of the many sinners in the Capital that continue to commit evil for their selfish gain. No. Swiftly conquering the Empire with ease is just boring. Let all the sinners of the Empire suffer the consequences of their evil, to show them all that these so-called 'monsters in human skin', shall fear to the likes of a real monster. A demon to be exact. A literal one." Asmodeus boasted.

Thirteenth then continue to kneel before the Demon Emperor, "As expected, my Emperor. Your wisdom knows no bound and your will is not indescribable. I vow that I shall that I shall follow your command... no matter what." Thirteenth vow to Asmodeus.

"R-right... thank you for the... eheh... flattery..." Asmodeus said awkwardly as he gives a strained smile, 'Uwah, I have never felt this bashful before. Is this what it feels like to get praise by someone?' He thought in embarrassment.

Asmodeus then cough to clear his throat, "Now then, I believe you should go now. Night Raid will take notice of your extended leave in what can be described as a supposedly easy mission. Take that Teigu and report that your mission has been completed. Understand?" Asmodeus said.

"Of course, my emperor. Your will shall be done." Thirteenth said as he disappeared in black smoke alongside the zombies with him.

With Thirteenth being done, Asmodeus gives a menacing and sadistic smile, "Now that Thirteenth is busy with his mission, I will take a short tour in the den of pitiful excuses of evil beings." Asmodeus said as there is a sound of snarling and a lot of Hell Stalkers are coming out from the portal as they are marching beside Asmodeus alongside the Hideous Demons, "Now then, let the fun begins. Let the Empire feel only nothing but Hell itself as they shall witness... true evil." Asmodeus declared as all his demons let out a loud and animalistic battle cry.

Meanwhile, back at Night Raid's base, the night had fallen.

Tatsumi, Ieyasu and Sayo were still in the meeting room, waiting for Thirteenth. They don't talk much and aside from wanting to know what time is it, they all remained silent.

"You know, as much as that guy is a jerk, I kind of hoping he's alright." Ieyasu said.

"Yeah, same. I mean, I don't know if he is being a jerk or not but all he is doing is just trying to convince that taking on this mission is a bad idea." Tatsumi said too.

Sayo just stayed silent, nodding as she sits around patiently.

"You three should probably get some sleep." Leone said, walking in, "You guys might have finished today's mission, but that doesn't mean you got the day off tomorrow. Especially you Tatsumi, since you have to work with Mine tomorrow."

"Yeah, we know, but-"

"Look, I get it, you're all are worried about Thirteenth, but sitting around won't accomplish anything." She said. "We got people on the watch at all times. If he shows up, everyone will know for sure."

The Bane Three wanted to argue but they couldn't deny her logic so they agreed that it was getting late and it is time for bed.

'Please, be safe. For some reason, you seemed to be miracle. As much as that miracle is creepy and crazy guy with a skull on his face.' Sayo thought as she joined her friends to sleep for the night.

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