Chapter 10: The Mission of Death

Start from the beginning

"So, where are we going, Akame?" Tatsumi questioned her.

"We are going to take some lives." Akame said.

"......Is it about making dinner, right?" Tatsumi said in a deadpan manner.

"Finally, you understand." She said.

"Wow. We're really far up..." Sayo said as he looked behind her, seeing the wondrous view. They were all climbing a mountain, with large baskets on their back.

"Is it alright for us to go this far from the base?" Tatsumi called up to Akame.

"There's no problem if we go at the mountains." Akame said.

The five of them kept on walking through the mountains with little conversation along the way especially when Akame isn't much of a conversational one and Thirteenth...

Well, the less said, the better...

"We've arrived."

They stopped walking and observed their surroundings, putting the baskets down. They were standing on a small cliff that looked out into a small pond. There was a waterfall that fed the water source.

"Whoa, this place is beautiful." Tatsumi commented.

"We're going to neutralised some river prey." Akame said, as she loosened her tie and started pulling up her shirt.

"Hey hey hey! What are you-?!" Tatsumi said, spluttering. Both he and Ieyasu took a few steps back and covered their eyes. Sayo didn't react as much, considering both she and Akame were girls.

And Thirteenth...

'Why are they shocked about? So she just taking off her second skin. It's not that shocking.' Thirteenth thought, not reacting to Akame taking off her clothes.

"What? I'm just changing into something more suitable."

Tatsumi and Ieyasu opened their eyes to see that Akame was now wearing a pure white bathing suit. Both of them breathed in relief while Sayo put a hand on her face.

"You two really need to think with the brain upstairs instead of the one downstairs..."

Akame then dived into the river. Tatsumi then remembered what the fish in this riverbed were like.

"Wait, those types of fish are rare and dangerous. Was she going to-"

His questions were answered when several of the fish were launched out of the water and into Akame's basket.

'An explosion of fish?!' Tatsumi thought.

Akame rose from the water to take a breath.

"Fuh-wah..." She looked up at them.

"Erase your presence and swim along the riverbed." She instructed. "When the prey comes close, you must strike."

Seeing Akame easily catch the fish struck a fire in Tatsumi.

"Alright!" He said, taking off his clothes before throwing them aside. "Bring it on!"

He then dove straight in. Ieyasu and Sayo looked at each other, shrugging, before following en suite. Akame got out of the water, and see that Thirteenth is still by the riverbed, just sitting around.

"Are you not going to help?" She asked him.

"Do you really want me to pollute your rivers, hussy?" Thirteenth sarcastically asked, the black smoke is coming from his body which made the green grass all rot into decaying blackness.

Akame said nothing before she gets out from the pond and protect the fish, "Don't you dare." Akame told him.

Thirteenth just scoffed before he just continue sitting around.

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