Chapter (43): Battle of Exes

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"Hello, Wren."

"Morning, Joseph." She smiled, extending her hand as they shook. "Come to my office, please." she said and he gave her a nod.

She led him to his office and called Emily to bring them coffee since Georgina was busy with her phone call.

Joseph made himself comfortable on the chair across from Wren's desk, but she decided to sit opposite of him to have a light talk with him.

"So, how is everything here?" he asked casually as he looked around her office.

"Everything's fantastic. The work is just great. We had a few problems with a few clients in the last two months though, but we fixed it as usual and you know how it is."

He chuckled lightly. "You're right on this point."

Emily entered the office with two cups of coffee and Joseph smiled nicely at her, taking the cup from her.

"Thank you." he said to Emily then frowned when he thought she looked familiar. "Have we met before? I feel like I've seen you somewhere."

"Maybe at Eva's wedding." said Wren, looking back and forth between them with a smile.

"Oh, yes, yes. You're Madeline's friend!"

She smiled shyly. "Yes, I'm. I'm also Wren's friend since college."

He turned to Wren with a surprised look. "Is that so?" They nodded. "That must be nice then. To have a friend who knows your needs at work."

"It is." said Wren.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to work." She smiled politely at them and they returned the smile.

"It's like you have your whole family here. Eleanor, your friend Emily and your father. Where is Henry? I haven't seen him since a long time."

"I guess it's your lucky day because he's on his way here for the meeting."

"How about this, after the meeting we could all go out together, just the three of us and have a discussion about the wedding? What do you say?"

"Sure, no problem. It would be great."

They talked for half an hour and enjoyed their coffee while discussing some investment plans. After a while, Joseph checked the time and decided it was time for him to leave.

"Alright then." He stood up and she did too. "I have to go and run an errand. I came here to see how you're doing with your job and I wanted to talk to you a few things about the wedding but since the three of us will rejoin in a while then we'll discuss it later."

He left the office and Wren went back to her work. After the meeting, Henry and Joseph met and went to a restaurant with Wren to have a lunch together and they discussed the wedding and talked about Madeline. Wren told them the story of how they meet from A to Z and that made both men laugh at the story especially when she mentioned the Eva parts of it. They had a delighted afternoon with Wren and were happy for the new couple.


Madeline was in the kitchen, making herself something light to eat while listening to the soft music from the speakers as she swayed her hips following the rhythm. Wren entered the house and went straight to the bedroom, changed her clothes to something comfortable and walked to the kitchen when she heard the music. She stopped when she saw Madeline's back facing her while dancing and humming.

Wren smiled at her and watched every step and every move that Madeline did. She was a good and an attractive dancer for sure because she made Wren smile more when she closed her eyes and continued dancing.

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