Chapter 43

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Chapter Forty-Three

It's A Piece Of Cake

Part Two

Why did Kisame have to make him feel so much more stupid; as if he just wasted all these years moping over a doomed future that hadn't yet or may never happen? Though it was probably all true, Itachi couldn't so easily forget everything that had happened to him and everything he had done. But for Kisame's sake...he could let go, if only for tonight. Itachi hesitated before he finally nodded. Kisame actually smiled weight free for the first time tonight. "Good. Now I suppose this means I have to go searching again tonight..." Kisame mumbled to himself in thought. Itachi only shook his head, making the other curious and a little confused.

"I don't want anyone else tonight. And I did promise you I won't do that anymore." Itachi replied calmly. Kisame looked dazed and out of it. He had trouble believing Itachi was actually denying this, maybe the stream from the shower had fried his brain or something. "Tonight...I only want you." He whispered sweetly, snaking his arms up and around Kisame's neck. Itachi thought it was rather cute how flushed Kisame became with his words, but he understood the other hadn't been expecting this. And to tell the truth, Itachi couldn't have seen himself doing this before now either. He had always known he cared about Kisame a lot, but he would never allow himself to believe that this feeling was love. Even now he was skeptical of his feelings. How could one who had never been truly loved, love in return?

Kisame was hesitant about accepting Itachi's desiring offer. If he were to do something, he was definite he grow to later regret it when Itachi simply forgot about this night. Itachi would never do that, he kept reassuring himself. Itachi may have been a cruel prankster, but he almost never did anything to Kisame personally. "Itachi...are you sure about this?" Kisame asked weakly. A wave of nervousness and worry had washed over him just at the peek of his self-confidence. He had mentally listed off all the pros and cons to the situation, but he didn't care that the bad was more likely to result than the good. As far as Kisame was concerned, anything with Itachi was good.

"You know I am..." Itachi answered. He had sounded so sure and full of determination, but then he always did whenever he had found himself a goal. Kisame knew that Itachi wasn't as sure as he sounded, but Itachi hadn't taken it back yet. And he could change his own mind whenever he pleased, so why not take the chance?

"Just tell me when you want to stop." Kisame ordered sternly; Itachi nodded. Not that he did believe Itachi wasn't use to all this by now. He was sure Itachi had long ago conquered the feeling of pain so he wasn't worried about hurting the other male. Inwardly, Kisame was desperately hoping Itachi wouldn't want him to stop. He didn't think he would be able to take anymore of these false aspiring moments.

With abnormal caution, Kisame lowered his form on Itachi's fully. The extra weight pressing down on his chest, didn't seem to bother Itachi in the least bit. Timid teal fingertips lightly grazed over Itachi's ivory skin, bringing forth a small amount of goose bumps where ever they touched. Kisame almost wanted to laugh over how delicate Itachi seemed. Apparently Itachi noticed Kisame's humorous smile and gave a childish pout. "I swear, you act just like a kid Itachi..." Kisame chuckled softly as he raised his hand to cup the gentle skin of Itachi's cheek.

Though Kisame had taken up a habit of allaying any of Itachi's fear, it was him that had the real fear. He didn't want to say or do anything that was even remotely the way Fugaku had done so, but he couldn't just do anything at all. Taking in a deep breath, Kisame willed himself to just forget about his own worries as well. They both could start anew if that was what it would take to survive. With a timid sweep of his hand, Kisame brushed his nimble fingers into the roots of Itachi's hair. Itachi managed to smile elegantly as he brought Kisame down to kiss him. Kisame was just a little surprised to have Itachi conduct the kiss first when he had made all the moves up till now.

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