Chapter 20

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Chapter Twenty


Itachi had proven himself to be a great hindrance in Sasuke's plans. Ever since Naruto had the near fate of being molested by the older Uchiha, he had been quite and distant. Sasuke had figured it was just fear still overtaking his blond, but fear and sadness were always odd characteristics for the usually courageous blond. So how could Sasuke not worry about it when Naruto remained silent throughout the whole venture back to their room from the hot springs. Even dressing in quite made Sasuke uneasy and nervous.

He was desperate to get to the bottom of this, to find out whatever was bothering his Naruto. Sasuke was nearly heart broken when Naruto entered the room without yet another word to him, even the look in his empty blue eyes, made the Uchiha tremble with fear. He was unsure of how much more he could take of this. His lips suddenly parted to speak some word of comfort to his beloved, but his hopes were quickly dashed away when Naruto had walked off into the bathroom.

"Damn it..." Sasuke sighed, his head bowed in defeat. How could so much have changed in just the course of not even a half hour?

Naruto, sadly, was sulking quietly as he looked in the mirror just above the bathroom sink. His eyes stay locked on the freshly made red mark still very much visible on his neck. As if it were a bad premonition that refused to leave him be. Naruto knew better than to think this mark met he actually belonged to Itachi, but he was sure the older male would use that excuse when the time came. Of course Naruto didn't wish for that time to come anyway.

"What am I going to do?" Naruto asked himself, his shaky hand cupping the still sore skin. He could just come out and tell Sasuke he was supposedly dating his older brother. And he definitely couldn't go up to Itachi and tell him they are though simply because he had found a liking to Sasuke. His fate would be sealed either way; someone was bound to get hurt somehow. The most likely person, would be Naruto himself.

Finally deciding he could no longer mope in his own past mistakes, Naruto headed back out of the bathroom. His gentle blue eyes fell on the perfect form of his friend who was presently buttoning up the top to his black pajamas. A timid smile found its way to Naruto's lips as he admired Sasuke's soft, yet strong figures as he prepared for bed. Despite how long it had taken him to notice, Naruto loved everything about the young Uchiha. His 'I don't give a shit' type of attitude and his persistence. And even beneath all that, lies a kind hearted person that Naruto had been blessed with the chance of finding.

Sasuke couldn't overcome the feeling of being watched. But he gave the appearance that he had not noticed the blond standing in the doorway admiring him from afar. That thought alone made Sasuke constantly curious about what his little obsession could be thinking right now. To conceal his obvious suspicion, Sasuke headed off to bed regardless. He settled down on his mat and wrapped himself in the soft covers. Closing his eyes, the only thing he could hear was Naruto's footsteps.

There was the keenest of instincts that told Sasuke something was definitely up. Naruto being just as quite as ever, but Sasuke had noticed the blond had searched for a change of clothes like he usually did. The noises end just as Sasuke could hear Naruto's clothes being dropped to the floor. He was mentally lecturing the blond on how he should actually put his clothes away instead of leaving them around the room where he would have to end up picking them up.

Suddenly and completely, Sasuke's eyes shot open. What the hell was he feeling? Something familiar in weight was just on top of him. Sasuke had noticed since he was having trouble just breathing as something pressed down against his waist. To his surprise, straight through the darkness he could make out the golden outline of Naruto's messy mop of hair. But why the hell was the blond on top of him again?! He hadn't been dreaming, at least he thought he hadn't.

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