Chapter 10

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Chapter Ten

The Last One Standing

"I hope Sasuke's okay," Naruto mumbled to himself as he scaled the hallway to his locker. He had been entirely too shocked to pulled Sasuke out of the fight himself, but he was always reassured it wouldn't have helped. He had never seen Sasuke that mad before, it kind of scared Naruto. If he was to ever make Sasuke angry, would he snap on him like that.

The blond wasn't comforted by these thoughts betrayal, nor the fact that Sasuke had got detention over that little rout and he was now going to have to walk home alone. Naruto was discouraged he hadn't the chance to find out who's house they were staying at together, if they were even spending the night together. He didn't even know if Sasuke was still distant like last night, though it was in fact Naruto who had been avoiding the topic.

What was he expected to say? He liked everything about last night, though there was guilt about it all. They were both boys! What could be weirder than that? But Sasuke was also his best friend, well actually only friend in this school right now. He didn't want to cripple their relationship by considering being with Sasuke in a different way. For the first time in fifth teen years, Naruto had felt completely alive and happy around Sasuke. He truly believed he had nothing to worry about when the young Uchiha was around him. But apparently Sasuke thought otherwise.

It had nearly broken Naruto's heart when the raven haired boy denied him last night, as if he realized he didn't like Naruto in the first place. Such doubt kept creeping back into Naruto's mind, and he was all the more sure that Sasuke didn't feel that way about him at all. But how was the blond expected to contain these feelings if he never had them before? Sure there was always the love he felt for Jiraiya as his guardian, but he had never been so close to anyone in such a short amount of time.

He was always so afraid before that he would have to move again or stay with another family, so he avoided making friends he didn't want to part with. But with Sasuke, the feeling just came. So Naruto wanted to do his best to make living here work, for he could stay with Sasuke. Countless times he thought of Itachi taking him in if Jiraiya ever decided to move again. Then he wouldn't have to worry about leaving Sasuke, and Itachi was already like a guardian to him.

The blond boy sighed as he grabbed his books out of his locker and headed for the exit. He would sulk all night over this, that was for sure. Naruto hated how he left off on a bad note with Sasuke and now he couldn't even explain himself with the teen in detention. Naruto solemnly walked down the sidewalk towards home. He had been so drawn in his thoughts he hadn't noticed the unusually suspicious black Mercedes following him.

"Naru-chan!" The blond suddenly heard his name being called. Naruto quickly snapped his head in the direction of the voice and was surprised to find Itachi sitting cozily in the driver's seat of the car.

"Ita-niisan? What are you doing here?" He asked, blinking slowly as he tried to grasp the situation. Naruto had noticed that whenever he was in some sort of doubt or trouble, the older Uchiha would show up out of no where. Maybe Naruto really did have a guardian angel watching over him.

"I thought I would come and pick Sasuke up today, but I didn't see him out there. So I thought you would maybe know." Itachi lied. He had actually came with the intention to pick up Naruto(with every definition of the word). And if Sasuke so happened to be with him, then it looked like he would have to take Sasuke too.

Itachi quickly noticed how Naruto stiffened at the mention of his brother. His soft blue eyes fell to the ground as he nervously kicked at a pebble. Itachi was pissed to say the least; so Sasuke was still upsetting the blond. If Sasuke didn't get his act together, Itachi was going to make him treat Naruto better. He didn't like having to see Naruto so depressed and worried like last night.

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