Chapter 29

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

Friends Never Say Goodbye

Part one

Never before had an Uchiha's pride been so tarnished. What could possibly be more humiliating than seeing your current obsessed crushed in an intense lip lock with some strange girl?! Normally Itachi nor Sasuke would be intimidated by new competition, but all hope was lost when Naruto didn't even flinch or try to escape the kiss. He just stared astonishingly at the raven haired teen that was kissing him.

Sasuke was at a lost for words; his obsidian eyes wide with pain and horror. After all his attempts before he had to get Naruto to accept his kisses, some stranger could simply waltz right up to him and kiss him. Not only was Sasuke in despair, he was furious he could not keep Naruto away from the very person he had been intending to scare away. All his efforts went down the drain.

Itachi, too, was speechless. Though he was not half as sad as he was jealous. Just because he had been forbidden from even approaching the blond in a sexual manner, didn't mean he still didn't think about it. But he had a whole lot more to worry about if Sasuke and this girl were allowed to touch Naruto as they pleased. More depressing than that was the fact both Uchihas were losing to this girl that seemed so very fond of Naruto.

Finally the kiss was ended when the teen parted from Naruto's lips with a distinct popping sound. Naruto stared in a dazed shock, trying to register what just happened. He looked startling at the happily smiling teen and gasped the next moment. "Haku?!"

What the hell?! This couldn't be right. Haku was a girl?! Sasuke felt his heart plummet into his stomach. What chance did he stand against Naruto's original best friend who was not only affectionately close to him, but extremely good looking as well? Even though Sasuke admitted only to liking boys, he couldn't deny the fact Haku was hot.But of course his Naruto was much hotter,no  doubt.

Who could look into those  brown eyes and not see the gentle sincerity of a compassionate friend?! Her hair was a long, silky black pulled into a high ponytail with a glittery red scrunchy. Haku wore a tight, red spaghetti strapped tank top and black slacks that became wider down the pant legs. A mini red and black, pleated skirt adorned the teen's shapely hips just over the pants and was held up with a thick, wide black belt. Not only was Haku already taller than Naruto, but the unusual platform shoes added to the intimidating, yet sophisticated look. To complete the dark but sexy combo, Haku had several matching bangles and black finger nails. All in all, Haku was a great catch. Itachi would even vouch for that, and he's been with hundreds of good looking men and women.

Both Uchiha brothers' attention flickered the moment Haku hopped onto Naruto's lap. The teen wrapped his hands around Naruto's neck as he sat side saddle on the blond. "I've missed you so much Naru-kun!" Nearly wailed the soft and gentle voice. "It's been about a month and we haven't heard from you yet! Everyone is worried sick about you. I was afraid something bad had happened to you. So I hopped on the next train to Konoha to find you. What luck that I would find you at a ramen stand," Haku giggled warmly.

Naruto blushed slightly when a cheek nuzzled against his own. He was use to this by now though, Haku had always been very affectionate. "What?!" Naruto suddenly exclaimed in disbelief. "You just left on a four hour train ride, what about school tomorrow?! What about Zabuza Sensei? I'm sure he didn't agree to this." Naruto stated matter of fact.

Naruto smiled lightly at the thought of the always moody older man. He had been their physical education teacher in his old home town. He still remembered how uncomfortable the man looked when it came to the Sex ed part of the year. Since Naruto and Haku were the only ones that knew Zabuza was gay, they occasionally snickered when he talked about the female reproductive organs that he seemed to know nothing about. But even when he was busy joking around in class, Naruto always noticed Zabuza was a little more overprotective of Haku than the rest of the students. And Naruto even knew Haku had a crush on their teacher back then. Too bad he had moved before he found out the results of his advice when he told Haku to take a chance and ask him out. Naruto was anxious to get alone with the boy so he could find out what happened.

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