Chapter 22

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Chapter Twenty-Two

Chained To The Past

Itachi sighed warily as he watched the buses take off one by one. It was depressing watching them leave when all their thoughts were still consumed with the blond that had not been found. He could only imagine Sasuke's true anger to finding out he was going to take care of Naruto until they returned. In truth, Itachi was afraid of that himself. He didn't think he would be able to restrain himself from trying to seduce the blond once more. But he would just have to tap into his self-control, the one he had never seemed to use before.

As the gloomy male made his way back inside, he pasted by the dining area. Stopping momentarily, he thought it would only be fair to bring something for Naruto to eat when he woke up. After all the blond was a garbage disposal. And when he said garbage, he meant garbage. Anyone who ate ramen all day every day had to be very unhealthy, yet not a ounce of extra fat was visible on Naruto's skinny body. Which was a miracle in itself.

He shuffled through a line at the breakfast buffet and picked out just about everything because he didn't know what Naruto liked and would eat just yet. He planned to know everything he could about the blond, his favorites, his hobbies, his desires. Though he was pretty sure Sasuke was along that list. How he hated Sasuke for having a better spot in Naruto's heart than him. Though it was his own fault for that. Hopefully Naruto would wake up soon so his food wouldn't get cool.

In fact, Naruto was just waking a little while after Itachi left. He moaned distastefully at the throbbing in his head and the uncomfortable feeling of being covered in one's own sweat. Two hazy blue eyes appeared weakly as he stared up at the ceiling. Had it all just been a dream? Slowly, Naruto forced himself to sit up, only feeling a slight stinging in his backside, which was sure to have been more if Itachi had continued.

Looking around in some sort of dismal trance, Naruto was relieved to find the room was empty and that Itachi had left. But realization dawned on him once more; he was still naked. So would Itachi come back to finish the job. Naruto went into an immediate panic, rushing out from beneath his blankets. He had to get out of here, or at least somewhere safe before Itachi returned.

Weakly but quickly, Naruto made his way to the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind him. Thanks to that bastard his clothes were ripped and he didn't feel all that clean. But that was the least of Naruto's worries the moment he walked past the bathroom mirror. He stopped in place, his eyes huge with astonishment.

"Shit..." Naruto hissed, stepping closer to the mirror. His eyes locked with the parallel bruises on his wrist and hips where Itachi had held him down. And several other red marks from where he had been struggling Itachi forced him into a stilled position. He couldn't very well hide these from everyone, especially Sasuke. The younger Uchiha seemed to be able to pick up things like this.

That bastard...Naruto nipped his bottom lip lightly, trying to hold back the sadness that had returned to him full force. "I'm so stupid..." The blond whimpered, squeezing his hands tightly. He should have known Itachi wouldn't really like him. But regardless of what he should have known, he would have never expected the man to use him like this. As if he wasn't even human, just some little fuck toy to him.

Naruto suddenly gripped the edge of the sink, his head bowed shamefully between his shoulders. His legs felt weak and he slowly lowered down onto his knees, a gentle sob over taking him. He wanted to be home right now; he wished none of this ever happen. He wished he never met Itachi. Despite his own tears were ringing through his ears, Naruto heard the unexpected creak of the main door to the room. His eyes shot open; Itachi was back already.

"Naruto." Itachi called out softly with a smile as he walked into the room. He was hoping to see the blond still lightly sleeping on his shikibuton, but to his surprise it was empty. "Naruto?" He questioned out again. He looked around the room frantically and set down the food. That idiot wouldn't dare run away, would he?! No he couldn't! Itachi not only feared being arrested if anyone else was to find the blond, he feared Naruto was not quite in the healthiest condition to run about in fear.

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