Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven

When the Tides of Love are Raging

An infuriated Uchiha sat fuming in the back seat as the car finally came to a halt. The teen's charcoal eyes never looked so furious and unreasonable as Itachi opened the back door and took the blond up into his arms. If not for Sasuke's seat beat securely holding him back, he would have jumped Itachi that very moment and ripped off his head. Even Sasuke didn't believe he could feel this much sadness and frustration over one little thing, but in truth, Naruto was worth it.

Angrily, Sasuke watched the older Uchiha carry his friend off to the front door of his home. Despite his knowing Naruto didn't mean anything that happened today, Sasuke still couldn't help but hold a grudge toward the blond who so willing allowed himself to be hooked, lined, and sinker. Itachi kindly handed off the sleeping boy to a rather grumpy Jiraiya, and explained that he had been working on his project with Sasuke all day to excuse his tardiness. Jiraiya seemed to accept that answer and took the blond in with a glare.

The ride home had to have been the most fearful night in Sasuke's entire life. There was nothing but an eerie silence looming over the two brothers. Of course all sorts of things to be said were running through both of their thoughts, but neither had the urge to say them aloud for it would only begin unwanted conflict on the road, which wouldn't be safe for either of their health.

"Sasuke?" Itachi finally broke the silence carefully. he glanced up at the rearview mirror at his pouting little brother, crossing his arms and glaring menacingly at his reflection. "I fine it hard to believe you are making any effort to win him over." The man chuckled, only adding more to Sasuke's anger.

"Well not all of us can be as experienced as you Itachi," Sasuke growled deeply. "I like to keep my battles clean and fair and not use dirty tricks to win people over. If you think Naruto is naive enough to fall for that joke in the end, then you are dead wrong."

"Then I guess we'll see my dear brother, won't we?" Itachi smirked as he listened to Sasuke's silence once more. "I do hope I can spend more time with the boy, for a noob, he's not a bad kisser." Itachi remarked, finding amusement in Sasuke's immediate reaction. Itachi ignored the countless profanities yelled at him, for his thoughts were content with thinking of the blond and his adorable behavior this afternoon. He had Sasuke to thank for his stupidity, Itachi would have never been able to experience that moment if Sasuke hadn't gotten in trouble or hurt the boy's feelings.

Itachi took pride in the way his brother shoved open the car door and stumped out and into the house. Itachi quickly and amusedly followed behind, snickering occasionally as he watched Sasuke fumble in the removal of his clothes. The younger Uchiha hurriedly prepared for bed, hoping that when he woke up, all of this would have just been a horrific dream. But even he knew that was an unlikely occurrence considering how terrible his life has been so far.

Sasuke scolded vehemently as he heard relentless knocking at their front door. Turning in bed, he muffled the aggravating sounds with his pillow. Thanks to Itachi's little confession, Sasuke was haunted all night with images of his brother kissing and ravishing Naruto. And surprising to say, that had not given him the usual arousal he was accustomed to whenever Naruto was involved. So to say in the very least, he was grumpy from lack of sleep.

But the knocking repeated, building up Sasuke's anger until he finally yelled and threw his blankets off of his body. He glared at the clock on his nightstand as it blinked '7:45' in bright red numbers. Damn, he had missed the bus five minutes ago. It looked like another day he would have to walk all the way to school or worse, catch a ride with Itachi.

Sasuke stumbled down the hallway and finally opened the door with a malicious tug. "What do you want?!" He yelled instinctively. He paid no mind to the fact he was only in the boxers he had slept in and his hair was a disheveled mess of crabgrass. He just considered sleeping in for the day, though it would ruin his perfect attendance record, how cares?

Brothers can't be trusted//SASUNARUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon