Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

Out On The Battlefield

Tapping his foot impatiently as he leaned against the wall just outside the bathroom, Sasuke awaited the blonde's return. If he knew Naruto was going to take this long changing, he would have never said he was going to wait for him to see how his clothes looked on him. The Uchiha secretly suspected Naruto of actually being a girl. But he didn't have plenty of reasons to take so long, especially he planned to wash the mud out of his hair.

Absentmindedly, Sasuke huffed and pushed his weight off of the wall. He was sick of waiting. Either the blond stepped out now, or he was going to class ahead of him. Already Naruto was tainting his title with absence and fighting. The urge to leave this very moment grew intensely. No longer caring for discipline in patience, Sasuke pushed open the door quickly.

"Are you coming or-?" His mild scolding dissipated as his mouth remained agape.

Naruto was leaning over the sink carelessly, making sure to get his head directly beneath the faucet as the warm water trailed through his fairly clean golden locks. He seemed so concentrated on washing away the mud, he hadn't paid much attention to Sasuke's presence. He considered his hair was clean enough and finally turned the water off. Standing up straight, he slowly pulled back his wet hair form his face.

"Oh, sorry. I'll be ready soon." He replied, throwing a quick glance toward Sasuke before looking back at the bathroom mirror.

If only the blond hadn't been in nothing but green with orange swirl boxers, Sasuke might have been able to answer back or at least finish his previous statement. But even his experienced eyes raced over the slender, caramel colored skin that glistened softly beneath the freshly fallen droplets of water from Naruto's hair. Sasuke had to admit it was easier to admirer the other's body when it wasn't coated in a layer of mud.

But why the hell was Sasuke gawking?! At least he wasn't blushing, that much he was thankful for. He never seemed too surprised whenever he walked in on Itachi and some 'friend' while they were naked, but then again he didn't have an interest in older men. But that didn't explain why he was flaunting over Naruto. Sasuke could only hope his brother's perversion was setting in. He dreaded the thought of it being a genetic trait in his family.

Sasuke unconsciously gulped as Naruto started to dry himself off and finally slip into the dark blue cargo pants he was given. The blond then quickly pulled on a tight fitting with shirt with long, blue sleeves. Sasuke found himself muffling a disappointed moan as the flawless skin vanished beneath his often clothing. He wanted to curse himself for giving Naruto his clothes, for now he only had himself to blame whenever he knew he couldn't view the other's near naked form again.

His eyes unnaturally ran over the odd, black spiral tattoo on Naruto's stomach. Sure he had got the impression the blond was a trouble maker and a rowdy, loud baby, but he never thought Naruto would be the rebellious type. His parents were probably furious when they saw it, if they had saw it. That brief thought made Sasuke morn over the lost of his own parents. He still missed them very much, and he almost wished to hear their lectures again.

"I'm ready." Naruto suddenly interjected. Sasuke shook his head side to side, and was nervous to find Naruto staring at him as if he had a third eye on his forehead. But he had every right to be curious and suspicious, since he had unknowingly been Sasuke's entertainment for the past few minutes.

"Good, now come on." Sasuke directed, flipping back a few stand of hair that had fallen out of place. He turned around and headed out the door, trying his best to forget what he had just saw. But that was hard when Naruto was treading closely behind him, seemingly counting the tiles on the floor as he stepped on them.

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