Chapter 23

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Chapter Twenty- Three

A Fate Made For Disaster

An incessant and hasty ritual of pants had successfully brought Sasuke in a panic attack the movement the bus came to a stop. He had been irritable and cautious all day during the trip, snapping at anyone who so much mentioned him in one of their conversations. Relentless thoughts of all the things Itachi could have done to Naruto by now, kept plaguing the poor teen's mind. He knew Itachi had a fetish for pain and struggle, so he could only imagine the true horror he put Naruto through to fulfill that dark desire.

Sasuke hated the school system for deciding to make the last day's trip the longest. Not only had they practically toured the whole town they took the students to the mall where they were allowed to run around and shop. Which presented to be a great problem when it was time to leave. It took nearly two extra hours to gather up all the ecstatic students from all the random shops. So Sasuke had been haunted with this worry of spending all day and most of the evening without Naruto.

It was around seven when all the buses dropped them off in the parking lot. But students still took their time leaving the bus, discussing the items they bought with one another as they stepped off. Sasuke on the other hand had managed to overcome his panic and dread long enough to convince himself to buy something for Naruto since the blond had missed the trip entirely for his supposed fever. Sasuke knew very well Naruto wasn't sick when he left him, so Itachi had to have been lying just to get alone with him.

So the fearful Uchiha dashed down the halls, ignoring his fan girls' calls to show Sasuke what they had bought for him. All color had left his face as he could hear a noisy ruckus from his room. Maybe he wasn't to late, and could still stop Itachi. Without hesitation, Sasuke unlocked the door and burst in, yelling out Naruto's name dramatically.

But his voice had not be heard over the loud laughter that filled the room. His upper brow twitched with annoyance. Here he was rushing to save Naruto from whatever cruel fate Itachi had planned for him, and here was the blond...getting fucking tickled by his older brother!

Naruto was rolling hysterically around on the floor, trying to slap Itachi's hands away and hold his aching stomach at the same time. "S-stop, Ita-niisan...p-please..." He laughed wildly, his eyes wincing from the unbearable sensation.

Itachi was laughing himself, only because Naruto looked simply adorable and amusing with that cheerful expression. It didn't seem the blond minded him laying on top of him as long as it wasn't sexually related. So Itachi took great pride in being able to top Naruto and tickle his delicate sides.

Sasuke, finding this scene to be all too obnoxious and sickening, cleared his throat loudly to draw their attention. Almost immediately two pairs of eyes met with Sasuke's frustrated glare. Naruto had to turn his chin up to the ceiling and watch the younger Uchiha from upside down since he was still under Itachi. A goofy smile crossed over his lips as he noticed Sasuke's arrival.

Itachi on the other hand, wasn't so pleased to have his alone time with the careless bond. After all it had taken him so long to get Naruto to be comfortable with him again. After his story telling, he had washed, dried and dressed Naruto thoroughly. It was fun having a little doll to play with for a while. And since they had so much more time left, they had went down to the game room and played some ping-pong. Itachi was especially proud to have beat Naruto ten out of thirteen tries. The blond just wouldn't accept defeat.

After that they had returned to the room, by then Naruto was coated in a fair amount of sweat. So Itachi had done the honors of giving him yet another bath. Which urged him to tickle the blond senseless the moment he was redressed again, bringing them to the present. All in all, Itachi was overwhelmed with happiness that he got to have fun with Naruto, maybe even more than Sasuke had.

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