Chapter 28

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Chapter Twenty- Eight

Let It Burn

"Damn it all to hell!" A loud clattering echoed throughout the house as Sasuke went through a blind rage, throwing away thing he could get his hands on. Too bad Itachi wasn't at home right now, otherwise he would be living the life. "I should of known that crazy bastard would do this to me," Sasuke growled ferociously, wrinkling the carefully written letter that was left on his pillow when he woke up in the morning.

Thanks to Itachi, Sasuke's alarm clock mysteriously disappeared and he managed to oversleep. It wouldn't have been such a bad thing though, if not for Itachi leaving this letter for him. He red it over again, gritting his teeth as each word was processed in his mind.

Dear Little Brother,

I thought it was about time you caught up on all your beauty sleep. It must be exhausting hanging around Naruto all day. So how about I give you a break from that. I'm sure Naruto won't mind if I take him out for the day. We both decided after yesterday you were not cut out for public activities today, so rest easy little Sasuke. I'll take good care of Naruto.

Sincerely your lovable older brother,


PS. Do not try to find us because you will just drive yourself mad with anger and jealousy. I'd rather not have to drive to the hospital and disrupt our date.

Itachi purposely let him oversleep so he could sneak out in the morning and take Naruto away from him. Sasuke was infuriated with Itachi's tactics. And he hardly thought yesterday was an excuse to get away from him. Then again, things did get a little out of hand. But how could it not when you were having lunch with most of the city.

After Sasuke's fan girls had decided to join him and the others for lunch, he nearly lost it. He could have held on to his sanity only if Naruto would talk to him more instead of listening to all of Kiba's lame jokes. It was embarrassing to watch the blond shoot soda out of his nose whenever he thought Kiba was funny, which pretty much disgusted everyone else. But even that was understandable, at least it proved they were friends and not just another opponent Sasuke had to watch out for.

Kisame and Itachi on the other hand, were constantly making sketchy comments about Naruto, which only Sasuke was smart enough to catch. His fan girls had been too busy ogling him to care about anything the others were doing or saying. And as usual Naruto wasn't suspicious of Itachi or his friend.

But what angered Sasuke more was when Kisame was grabbing his attention with idle conversation so Itachi could get away with whispering something to Naruto. Probably setting up the little meeting they were currently having right now. Sasuke lost it when Itachi proceed to trying to feed Naruto his food, of course in a very erotic way. Sasuke had leap from his seat, slapping Itachi's hand away from Naruto's mouth and started to yell at everyone to leave them alone. So the day had pretty much been ruined after that, even when walking Naruto back home. Sasuke had been so mad he punched every guy or girl that even looked at Naruto the wrong way. He was sick of having to share what was his. He swore if someone else so much as came to set a play date with his dobe, he would kick their ass.

Sadly, it looked like he wouldn't be able to hurt Itachi because he had no idea where the jerk was. Sasuke balled up the note and threw it across the room. "That's it, I've got to get alone with Naruto tonight so I can put an end to all this. Itachi wouldn't dare come after him after he's taken. I won't believe for a moment that Itachi is interested in a real relationship, especially if it involved actually staying with someone more than the night.

With this thought in mind, Sasuke shot out of bed. He dressed in a hurry and didn't even bother to think about breakfast, which would be handy since it might take him forever to find the others. He bounded for the door, throwing it open suddenly. Before he could step out and race down the street he found himself staring oddly at a guest.

Brothers can't be trusted//SASUNARUजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें