Chapter 34

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Chapter Thirty-Four

What We Deserve

Annoying phone ringing always proved to be a big pet peeve of Haku's. They always seemed to come at the wrong time and most were usually filled with bad news. So when Naruto's home suddenly became alive with the loud ringing of the telephone, Haku was instantly put in a bad mood. With Naruto at school, Haku had taken the liberty of nosily going through all of the blonde's stuff for safety reasons of course. He had to see what was really going on here in Konoha that involved Naruto. If Jiraiya wasn't at home right now then the first place Haku would have looked for suspicious stuff would be the old pervert's room. He was sure to find video tape there.

Loud stomping followed the persistent ringing as Jiraiya headed over to the phone. He picked it up irritatingly. Wasn't it bad enough that he was stuck in the house alone with Haku, who had yet to put any clothes on for Kami knows what reason. "Yeah, what is it?" He asked rudely. Haku stepped into the room and curiously watched Jiraiya frown as the person on the other line was apparently telling him some bad news. See Haku had every reason to hate phone calls. "Sorry, I was just about to head out. Maybe you could get some friend of his to bring him home." Jiraiya answered before hanging up the phone quickly. He glared distastefully at Haku, who had been staring at him with curiosity and confusion. He figured the teen just wanted to know what the phone call was about so he finally told him. "Naruto's come down with a fever so he's excuse from school today," was Jiraiya's only words before heading off towards the door.

"Who's bringing him home?" Haku asked somewhat excitedly and sadly. He was sad because Naruto was sick of course, but ever so thrilled to hear Naruto would get to spend the rest of the day with him. Though Naruto would probably not be up for playing games, Haku could at least nurse him back to health. And helping out Naruto was Haku's number one favorite past times.

Jiraiya simply shrugged his shoulders. It was only natural that he knew it would be Sasuke and Itachi, but he wouldn't let Haku know that since he would be around to hear the boy's bitching. "I'll be working so you man down the house until Naruto gets back. But I don't want to see this place trashed when I get back." With that said, he left. Jiraiya knew for a fact that would be impossible for Haku since him and Naruto were only good for making messes. And if the Uchiha brothers were coming over, of course Haku would mess this place up just so he can kick some ass. Personally, Jiraiya thought this kid needed to hurry up and get laid. He had way too much free time on his hands to be interfering with Naruto's life.

Haku frowned a little. Jiraiya was definitely acting peculiar to him, so something was going on. But for now he shouldn't be worrying about that. He had too get things ready for Naruto's return. Smiling widely, Haku raced into the kitchen and started to set the water for Naruto's favorite Miso ramen. How he loved to see Naruto's bright and smiling face when he ate this toxic stuff. Even if Haku disagreed with the health values of this meal, he wouldn't ever want to rain on Naruto's parade. While the water was boiling, Haku hurriedly got dressed. He wouldn't be able to help Naruto if he caught a virus from said blond. By the time Haku finished preparing a large meal and getting dressed he heard a light knock at the door. Anxiously the teen dashed down the hall and threw open the door. "Welcome home Naruto!" he exclaimed heedlessly.

But almost immediately his smile dropped into a frown as he saw Sasuke Uchiha holding his Naruto in his arms like he was his bride or something. "Sasuke you can put me down." Naruto growled childishly, kicking his legs about. "Just because she thought I was sick doesn't mean I really am." He huffed out in an angry fit. Despite his words, Sasuke had insisted on carrying Naruto all the way over to the couch before laying the blond down on the soft cushion.

"You again?" Haku growled; his eyes narrowing as he watched Sasuke face him and Itachi step in after them. "I thought Jiraiya told a 'friend' to pick up Naruto. I know for a fact you are not Naruto's friend." Haku hissed viciously.

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