Chapter 32

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Chapter Thirty- Two

Trouble Made For Two

"I can't believe they fell for that." Haku was still contagiously laughing with Naruto. "I may be close to you, but I've never molested you." He cackled, rolling over on the floor. "And see I told you they couldn't be trusted. I've been around Jiraiya long enough to know when he has things wired, the sick pervert."

Naruto chuckled once more before sitting back up. "Come on Haku, they aren't that bad. But I wish I could have seen Sasuke's expression." Naruto smiled goofily at that thought. "He can be really paranoid sometimes and it's really funny when he gets mad at Itachi." Naruto mentioned, brushing down his hair that had fallen out of place.

Haku quirked up an eye brow at the statement. "Why would he be mad at Itachi?" Haku asked in confusion. As far as he could tell, Itachi was pretty tame. The guy doesn't seem as close to Naruto as Sasuke is, which was a good thing, Haku had decided.

"Oh, just because he tried to get into my pants once. But it's all good now, Sasuke beat the crap out of him for it." Naruto giggled with restraint. He didn't seem to notice Haku's sudden anger as he heard that explanation. In fact Naruto had said it so casually, how could Haku not be mad that the blond was nonchalant about his own raping.

"What the hell are you talking about?! That bastard tried to rape you?!" Haku yelled out. "I'm going to fucking hang that pedophile by his nut sack and then beat him like a piñata." Haku hissed to himself. It was quite an interesting scene to imagine.

"No, Haku don't do that! I told you, Sasuke took care of it! So you don't need to-"

"Need to what? Be around any more?!" Haku lashed out. "You think that Uchiha kid can really protect you?! If he was so damn protective then it would have never happened in the first place Naruto!" Haku snarled, standing up quickly and marching over to Naruto, who stared startled at him. "What type of best friend let's his own brother take a whack at you? I'm telling you those two are no good; they're going to sell you out Naruto!"

"Haku shut up! They would never do that!" Naruto screamed angrily. Not even Haku could talk about his new friends like that. Meeting Sasuke and Itachi were the best things to ever happen to him and he would be damned before he let Haku taint that fact with harsh, false assumptions.

"I hate to be the one to break it to you Naruto, but not everyone who says they are your friend are your friends. When are you going to realize just about everyone is trying to get into your pants?!" Haku shouted back.

Naruto flinched at Haku's claim. His heart suddenly filled with sadness and it actually hurt. Those words hurt so much. "You're lying Haku! That's not true!" Naruto nearly sobbed, his eyes filling up with tears that he tried to hold back.

"It is true and you know it!" Haku barked back, crossing his arms and glaring at Naruto. "Tell me one thing you've done with either one of them that wasn't sexual in anyway." Naruto bit his lip roughly.

Now that he thought about it, he couldn't really think of much. Even the first time Naruto went over Sasuke's house, so many things happened. Then was Haku right? No, he couldn't be. "Don't say that Haku, they aren't like that!"

"Oh yeah, you really believe that? I find it pretty hard to believe." Haku countered.

"Why?! Because you are one of the people that wants to screw me?!" Naruto snapped. He angrily jumped off of the bed and hurriedly shoved Haku back. "If all that's true, then you are just like them." With that, Naruto opened his bed room door and pushed Haku right out. "And if you are going to talk about them that way, than stay the fuck away from me!"

Brothers can't be trusted//SASUNARUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora