Chapter 50

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Chapter Fifty

Farewell Dear Father

"That takes care of one pest for right now." Fugaku chuckled as he closed the door to the basement. He didn't have the time to hide Naruto anywhere father away, that would have been too obvious to Sasuke. But he was sure that the blond would be unconscious long enough for him to do as he pleased with Sasuke. He had nothing to worry about because Kisame would probably be too distracted with looking for Itachi to come down here.

Fugaku quietly walked down the hall of the cozy home. He spotted Sasuke in what was obviously the room he had stayed in while here. His father walked up to the teen as he was grabbing stuff up to pack. "Where's Naruto?" Sasuke asked suddenly, turning to face his father. It nearly scared the older man that Sasuke was so perceptive, yet not enough to notice the truly important things. Fugaku gave a wide smile and sat on the edge of the bed.

"He just went out for a walk to clear his minds. I don't think he will be too mad at you for much longer." Sasuke's brows furrowed. Kisame had told them to stay in the house, so maybe it wasn't the best things that Naruto went for a walk. "Why do you care so much about that kid? He seems a little goofy to me and bizarre, not the usual qualities of an ideal boyfriend." His father chuckled. He didn't realize how easily he had offended Sasuke.

The raven haired teen glowered at his old man. "I love him." Sasuke stated firmly. He couldn't help but notice how his father's hands suddenly tightened into fist at that confession, yet the man still held his smile. "I'll go look for him, we have to go soon anyway." Sasuke replied, dropping his things and heading over to the door. He gasped slightly when he felt a cold palm wrap around his wrist quickly. He jerked his head back and glared at his father. "What are you doing?"

"He'll be fine. I just wanted to speak with you a little longer. After all we haven't spoken in years Sasuke. There's hundreds of things I don't know about you." His father replied kindly, tugging the boy back over so that he fell onto the bed beside him.

"No, there is a lot I don't know about you Otou-san!" Sasuke corrected. "Like why you would hurt Itachi?" He lashed back. he watched his father's face harden into disappointment. "Surely you didn't think Itachi wouldn't have told me by now. I didn't really believe him the first time he told me, but frankly I'm beginning to see his point." Sasuke jerked his wrist out of his father's grasp. "You had me going for awhile, when you held me just like you use to." He admitted. "But its plain as day now that you are just as cold and sick as before. I was just too stupid as a kid to see the real you."

Fugaku snarled angrily and his fist tightened. "Don't say that Sasuke." He mumbled, his head falling as he bit his bottom lip. "I was never cold to you, I loved you. You were always my favorite and you know that!" He ended up yelling. It surprised both Sasuke and him, since he had never really risen his voice to the boy. Though Sasuke never seemed to notice, his father had tried to give him the perfect sheltered life with a good family. Too bad it had to turn up like this.

Sasuke stood back on his feet. "I think it's better you leave." Sasuke decided, pointing to the door. For such a short reunion he didn't like how sour it had turned out to be. But something in his gut told him his father wasn't all that truthful as he was claiming to be. He had ignored his intuition many times before, but this was too strong a feeling to overlook.

His father's eyes narrowed quickly and his demeanor held that of a terrifying one. He never did take too well to rejection, especially from his own family, who he reined over. "I don't think you quite understand me Sasuke." Fugaku growled, standing up. He towered over Sasuke like an ant, and his shadow was suddenly more intimidating than Sasuke had remembered. "I came all this way for you. And whether you agree or not, you are coming back with me and your family. I've put too much of my life into trying to protect you but all you can do is betray me."

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