Chapter 25

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Chapter Twenty- Five

Letting Go And Breaking Free

Although Itachi was relieved to find out Naruto had not become another victim of Sasuke's rage, he couldn't take comfort in Naruto's eagerness to solve his family's problems. This wasn't something Naruto should be getting involved with. "Look Naruto, I think it's best you leave all this mess to me and Sasuke." Itachi advised, lightly pushing the blond inside so he could also enter the room. It would be unfortunate if a teacher caught him speaking with Naruto after their warning.

Naruto looked surprised and disappointed after Itachi's suggestion. "But I want to help Itachi. I know it's my fault Sasuke hates you more. I just don't think it's fair to leave things as they are," he confessed.

Itachi sighed; it was inevitable that Naruto would help even after being told not to. Itachi almost regretted targeting such a gullible , trusting, unselfish, and ambitious boy. Never in his life had he met someone even remotely similar to Naruto. Despite himself, Itachi would not force him to obey, at least not any more. He glanced around the room, noticing Sasuke wasn't there. Had he abandoned Naruto already? If that was the case, Itachi planned to punish his brother severely. "Where is Sasuke anyway?" Itachi tried to ask nonchalantly. That was hard enough because he was so furious with the teen already.

Naruto looked almost hurt by the question. He was suddenly reminded that Sasuke was indeed gone. He didn't no where the teen had gone off to or why. But that didn't keep Naruto from thinking it was all because of himself that Sasuke ran off. What if Sasuke was still mad at him and couldn't even stand to sleep in the same room with him. Though Naruto was sure Sasuke had calmed down some when he had told him that story, so why would Sasuke run off. Then again, it would only make Naruto a fool to believe Sasuke would forgive him just like that. Of course the Uchiha was still upset with him.

That thought didn't help Naruto cheer up in the least bit. He bowed his head with sorrow and kept himself from making himself look more like a fool with his baby tears. "I don't know exactly. I just woke up and he was gone." Naruto closed the door behind Itachi and stepped back near his mat before falling down onto it. "You think he will come back before morning?" The blond asked with a melancholy look in his eyes.

Itachi never did find depression flattering on Naruto, so he didn't think any different this time. It rather hurt to see the blond like this. And yet it al angered Itachi more. To think Sasuke had such an impact on Naruto's life, the simplest thought of him could affect the blonde's mood. Itachi wanted to have that affect on Naruto, but the only emotion he could induce was fear.

"Who knows? Maybe he just went out for some fresh air," Itachi attempted to say kindly. But whenever talking about Sasuke, his voice sounded harsh and cold with envy and hatred. He kneeled down by Naruto's laying form and gently treaded his fingers through the golden mane of hair. "Naruto..." he began. He just had a burning question he was dying to ask the blond since he first had doubts about them. "Do you like my brother?" Itachi asked. It sounded stupid to be asking this when he already knew the answer.

Naruto lifted up and turned on his side to stare at Itachi. He blinked dumbfounded at the male before answering. "Of course I like him, he's the first friend I made here." Naruto gave a distant smile as if he were currently thinking of their first meeting. "I thought he was going to be one of the punks I would hate for the rest of the school year, but he really turned out to be a great guy." Naruto half chuckled. He settled back down, laying his head on Itachi's thigh and slowly closed his eyes. "Though he always finds a way to make me angry or sad, I still like him."

Who did Naruto take Itachi for?! Some idiot? Itachi knew very well from the simple tone in Naruto's voice was more used for a lover than when you spoke of just a good friend. Though Itachi never wanted to admit it, Naruto liked Sasuke a whole lot more than he liked him. "I know all that, but I you like him like him? Something more than friends." Itachi felt like some stupid kid again trying to get his best friend too tell him in he had a crush on a classmate or something. Though Itachi never personally was in that position, but he was sure this is how it felt.

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