Chapter 21

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Chapter Twenty-One

A Change Of Heart

Naruto was overcome with ever growing fear and dread. Itachi had figured out what they had been doing last night, well most of it if not the details anyway. Even though Naruto remembered a time when he could trust the other male with anything, he was scared of him now more than ever. Perhaps he had misjudged Itachi back then, for now the male only seemed to worry him.

The distressed blond slowly backed off again once he saw Itachi lock the door after closing it. What did the Uchiha have in mind that was so important that it couldn't be interrupted by others? Naruto was already desperately wishing for Sasuke to come back looking for him or at least another teacher to tell him to come. Shoot, he would even accept Jiraiya at this point. That would have been fine, but maybe they had actually sent Itachi to retrieve him then all of his rescue plans would be diminished.

"What are you thinking koi?" Itachi teased. He pushed off against the door and approached his panicking target. "What has you so worried?" He faked concern, though Naruto now knew of the disguise he had put on.

"Why are you here Itachi?" Naruto asked out nervously. He stiffened as he felt he had unintentionally backed himself off into a corner with Itachi still quickly nearing.

Itachi frowned, "what has you so scared? You won't even call me niisan any more." Itachi moaned softly, looking actually hurt by this truth.

But not so surprisingly, he had missed Naruto calling him the adorable, loving nicknames. He had liked to have the blond trust him so much. It was simply adorable and child-like. He had grown so use to the other's attitudes of before, that when Naruto acted frightened around him, he actually felt hurt. Whether it was just a great turn on to have an oblivious innocent or that Itachi had truly grown a soft spot for the blond, Itachi still missed it.

Naruto looked shamefully at the floor. He hadn't the strength to look Itachi in the eye after that statement. "That's just it Itachi..." Naruto began, his voice even quaking from his nervous demeanor. "I-I liked you better as a brother..." He confessed.

A tinge of pink formed at his cheeks as he thought about the confession. Maybe it had been his fault Itachi took on the offensive. After all he was practically seducing the older male and the kisser they shared was less than friendly. Naruto somewhat panicked over the thought that it was indeed his fault Itachi was treating him like this. He made the other think he thought of him more than a brother or friend, had he not, they wouldn't be in this mess.

Itachi was flabbergasted by Naruto's admittance. Rather ironic was how he was seeing it. Even his own real brother hated him, but yet he had been so kind to the blond, he was even a better brother to him. But e didn't want Naruto to see him as a brother any longer, he wanted so much more. Needed so much more.

"I..." Itachi's hands balled into fist and he glared intensely at his still petrified blond. "I can't accept that. We aren't brothers Naruto!" He yelled out, lunging forward, just enough to catch the other's wrist and dragged him away from the corner. "And I don't want us to be."

"Itachi!" Naruto hissed as the Uchiha grabbed him roughly. Naruto nearly stumbled if not for Itachi's other arm flying over to hold his hip. Against his previous fear, Naruto looked up, staring the Uchiha straight in the eyes. But he didn't see the same lust and malicious control that he had witnessed recently on this trip. Instead he saw an ever looming seriousness and equanimity that was entirely new to him.

"I want us to be so much more." Itachi replied, his gaze narrowing. "I wouldn't have asked you to be my boyfriend if I wasn't entirely serious about you and me." Itachi knew very well that he was lying through his teeth right now. He had long ago planned to abandon the blond when he was finished with him.

Brothers can't be trusted//SASUNARUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin