Chapter 36

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Chapter Thirty- Six

Faced With Rejection

"Ahhh!" Almost instantly Haku and Sasuke shot up from the their laying down positions. A terrified scream had filled the entire room, scaring the two teens to death. Naturally they looked around for the only person that could make that horribly loud cry: Naruto. Sasuke panicked the moment he didn't find the blond by his side where he had left him last night. Grumbling angrily, Sasuke rolled off the bed and raced into the bathroom from which he heard the screaming.

"Naruto, are you alright?!" He asked worriedly. But he wasn't expecting to find what he did. Hundreds of cells gathered in his face, giving him the appearance of a tomato. Why the hell was Naruto sitting in front of the mirror with his legs spread wide?

Haku came running into the room as well, huffing roughly. Unlike Sasuke, he wasn't as embarrassed to see Naruto in such a position. "I think I'm infected!" Naruto wailed, pointing to his entrance. Sasuke only sighed in realization. That idiot would think of it like that. He probably didn't remember a single thing from last night, lucky him.

Sasuke grumbled and walked over and kneeled before the blond. He was inwardly laughing at Naruto's childish terror. Sure seeing a yellow, flaky substance up your ass was never a good sign, but it was funny because Naruto had asked Haku to use the butter and it had been Naruto's idea to get totally slammed on sake. So the blond was only asking for this from the beginning. "You're not infected Naruto." Sasuke explained with a warm laugh. Haku and Naruto both displayed a look of complete bewilderment. "You had a little too much sake last night and asked Haku to screw toy." Sasuke said with an evil smirk. It was funny to remind them of last night since he was the only one that remembered it. "I didn't get a chance to clean out the butter before you fell asleep."

Naruto's eyes widened in disbelief. "I let Haku take me?!" He yelled out fearfully. Haku however, did not show fear in he least bit. Maybe a little regret for not being able toy remember doing any of this to Naruto, but never fear. He was naturally happy with the thought of having taken Naruto before Sasuke though.

"No you didn't" Sasuke answered with a chuckle, dashing all of Haku's hopes. "Jiraiya showed up before that could happen, but you might want to stay away from the principle for a while." Sasuke mused over the expression of the older woman last night. No doubt she would be avoiding them as well because she thought they were weird. But that didn't bother Sasuke at all. He rather liked the idea of not having to go to the principle's office any more, not that he did frequently anyway.

Naruto blushed deeply and quickly closed up his legs. "You sure nothing happened?" He mumbled softly. Sasuke nodded, giving a friendly smile to assure the blond. Naruto was definite relieved to know that Sasuke hadn't witnessed anything like that. He was sure he would have lost Sasuke for sure if the Uchiha had.

"Well let's get you cleaned up and ready for school." Sasuke advised, finally standing up again. If they didn't get to school on time, Tsunade would have definitely expected the worse. And Sasuke didn't feel like getting expelled any time soon just because of the principle's assumptions. Though they were near accurate.

"I'm coming too!" Haku yelled out with unmatched excitement. "It's so boring staying here without Naruto around, so I'm going to school with you!" He replied determinedly. There was no denying Haku when it came to things like this, the boy was definitely a persistent one. It was deny him and be killed our let him have his way and live. Sasuke would rather live.

"Awesome!" Naruto screamed. "You can meet all of my other friends! I'm sure they will love you." Naruto was practically squealing, which rather disappointed Sasuke. He hated seeing Naruto so happy with anyone besides himself. But he didn't want to end up like Haku and keep Naruto from having any friends at all, that was just too cruel and controlling.

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