Chapter 35

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Chapter Thirty-Five

The Calm Before The Storm

"You can't be serious Itachi. You great with kids? Impossible." Kisame mocked with a proud smirk. He knew his friend all too well. And as long as they had been friends, he knew Itachi was never good with children or any other people for that matter. So to suddenly hear Itachi telling him he thinks he is good with children, only made Kisame burst out into laughter. Itachi was the most unfriendly person he knew. Naruto might have been dumb enough to fall for that, but no one else would be.

"No I'm serious Kisame." Itachi replied back sternly. "I might just have a skill with this. Sasuke hasn't killed me yet, so I must be good for something." Itachi actually managed to laugh. "And I really think I've helped that Haku kid out a lot. You should have seen him blubbering like a whale."

Kisame simply rolled his eyes. "And I'm guessing you want to screw him too? When are you going to learn children is not a category you should be working with. Its one thing to get a consensual partner out of adults, but your just asking to get locked away if you mess with minors. And frankly Itachi, I don't want to see you behind bars all because of how your father screwed you up years ago." Kisame admitted firmly.

Itachi quickly quieted down and glared at Kisame for a moment. He didn't like talking about this to anyone, even his own friend. Naruto had been a one time thing and he would like to keep it that way. "Is that your way of saying you are goign to stop me?" Itachi asked coldly. "Now that I'm through with everyone at our school and have moved on, you want to stop me? You want to play the part of a good friend now Kisame? Well I think you are a little late on that. I'll do what the hell I want with whoever the hell I want to." Itachi hissed.

Despite his eagerness to object, Kisame sighed in acceptance. He was not about to put his life on the line just to convince Itachi of his wrong doing. But he couldn't help but get a feeling that Itachi had changed somehow. That he wasn't the same cold hearted jerk he was before. In a way it made Kisame happy, but then it made him sad. If Itachi had realized this as well, then wouldn't he be looking more forward to finding a loved one of his own. His reputation might all his chances for true happiness. Who could learn to love a guy like Itachi?

Haku took a deep breath before leaving the safety of the empty room. It hadn't been very long since Itachi left but he was still worried about coming back to see Naruto again. After what he said he could only imagine Naruto never wanted to see him again. That thought gave Haku an unbearable pain in his chest. And it would all be Sasuke's fault for suddenly showing up in Naruto's life. Though Haku still wanted to kill the boy, he would not hold it against him for making Naruto happy at least.

So when he managed to walk slowly down the hall, he nervously peeked into the kitchen where he spotted the two already preparing to eat. He didn't feel all that mad that they were simply just eating the food he had made for Naruto after how they had treated him. At the moment that didn't even matter. Gathering up what ounce of courage he had left, Haku stepped fully into the kitchen, staring at the two with desperate, sensitive copper eyes.

"Haku!" Naruto suddenly acknowledged him with a bright smile. "Glad you could join us. I thought I would have to go and drag your butt out of there." Naruto laughed, ever so adventurous and carefree. It was always a pain to know that he was the only one that would never remain mad or sad after something like this. "You going to eat? You went through all the trouble to cook this, right?"

Haku nodded, his eyes falling to the floor in a silent shame. It wasn't until he heard the clattering of plates before Haku found his voice. "I...I'm sorry Sasuke." He whispered softly, his voice recognizable somewhere between a far off whimper and a kitten's frail meow. "If Naruto wants to be with you, it's his business, not mine." Haku admitted. He had to nip his bottom lip to keep himself from yelling out in objection to his own words.

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