Chapter 33

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Chapter Thirty-Three

Lovely Mischief

An ever present silence loomed over the room, making Sasuke uneasy and tentative. He sat mutely in the lone wooden chair by Naruto's bed, simply watching as the blonde's chest fell and rose again with careful precision. He looked so peaceful there, though Sasuke new all hell would raise up when Naruto found out what happened to him. He had figured Naruto was never accustomed to be injured like this, though it was not a wound done to the body. If seemed Naruto did a pretty good job protecting himself from mental harm. So may be being oblivious was some sort of defense mechanism for Naruto.

At least, Sasuke would like to believe that. To believe that his words have only presented to be minor injuries and would not last long after the fact. Going against his logic, his feelings told him everything he said and did was always recorded into Naruto's mind. It had been more than once that Naruto brought up an occasion where he had hurt him. Was Naruto simply keeping track so he could later use it against him? It sounded like something Sasuke would do against Itachi?

It was the sudden sharp in take of breath that startled Sasuke out of his thoughts. Immediately, his eyes darted over to the resting form and he was blessed by two sapphire eyes staring back at him. Sasuke was able to rest easy now that he new Naruto hadn't gone into a coma or something of the sort. "You had me worried for a moment," Sasuke lightly chuckled. He was more or so hoping Naruto had forgotten their little fight this morning, so he could put the harsh words behind him. But if fate allowed him that, it would be too kind.

"What are you doing here?" Naruto asked, his brows suddenly pulling together in a cold frown. He sat up so that he could give Sasuke the full extent of his glare; it worked flawlessly. "I thought you had to be an ass somewhere else." He mumbled roughly. His cobalt eyes scanned the room the next moment. Curiosity finally set in as he realized he wasn't in his typical room and thankfully not Sasuke's as well..

"You passed out," Sasuke quickly informed. A nervous filling in his stomach made him look away from Naruto and down at his hands that were fiddling together. "The nurse said you had an anxiety attack." Sasuke's words came sad and regretful. "It's my fault. I shouldn't have said all that stuff." He admitted, hoping Naruto would accept that as his apology.

"You're right, you shouldn't have. But you did, and its not the first time you've had diarrhea of the mouth. It's like we aren't even friends any more Sasuke. You keep promising me it won't happen again, but it always does. You've called me a demon, a slut, and today you called me a fake." Naruto said each word more harsher than the first. He pulled his legs up and cradled them in his arms. "I guess I'm just an all around bad person in your eyes Sasuke."

"No you are not Naruto!" Sasuke exclaimed, his voice actually sounding sincere and hopeful. "I didn't mean any of those things."

"You said I just get in the way. I'm a hopeless idiot to you Sasuke...You said you hated me." Naruto whimpered, tears falling from his eyes one by one as he forced his head to be hid away into his arms and legs. "I've done everything you wanted. Even things you didn't ask for, but it doesn't change anything." Sasuke could barely make out the words through the tears and they were muffled by his skin. " I have to do? What do I have to make you like me?"

What?! Sasuke couldn't believe Naruto thought he didn't like him at all. The teen quickly rose from his seat and sat down on the bed beside Naruto. "That's not true Naruto. I like you a lot, I really do." Sasuke tried to assure the blond of his affection for him.

"No you don't!" Naruto sobbed, his head lifting up so he could stare at Sasuke with his sad, watery eyes. "You like my looks, but you don't like me. Am I only good to you for sex?" Naruto asked as a long stream of tears flowed from his eyes. "Do you only put up with me because you want get something from me? Because so far, I haven't been given any proof to believe otherwise."

Brothers can't be trusted//SASUNARUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang