Chapter 31

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Chapter Thirty-One

Old Ties And New Bonds

Pure unadulterated loathing; was the only emotion Sasuke had at the moment as the four of them all walked Naruto and apparently Haku home. He had never felt so angry before, much less sore. His head was still killing him and it was too much of an effort to walk without the stinging between his legs. And thanks to Haku's cruel display of how to eat an ice cream cone, Sasuke had to think about Sakura for nearly fifteen minutes to get his arousal down. As if that wasn't enough, this was only the beginning because Haku was staying so damn long.

"Sasuke?" Naruto called out his name softly in worry as he straggled behind to stroll next to the upset Uchiha. Naruto wasn't so stupid as to not notice Sasuke's suffering and Haku's cruel nature. But simply watching Sasuke mope and snarl to himself was depressing. "I'm sorry about Haku, Sasuke." He said lightly, pink racing to his cheeks from embarrassment. "I didn't really think he would be all that mean to you. But I guess it's my fault." Naruto nearly whimpered, making Sasuke only more grumpy. "Normally he is very kind and understanding, but I guess he just really wants me to move back."

"What can you possibly see in that kid Naruto?" Sasuke lashed out dangerously low. "Even you aren't stupid enough to believe he's a total nice guy. Tricks like his didn't just come in the spur of the moment. I say he's been planning all this since the moment you left. Bash the hell out of anyone who was even remotely close to you." Sasuke hissed. "Why can't you just tell him to go away?"

"Because he's my best friend Sasuke!" Naruto answered back in disbelief. Surely Sasuke would be able to understand that. "He wouldn't ask me to tell you to leave if he were in your spot. He's not going to be here forever. I know Haku, once he gets bored he will be back home before he had planned to leave."

That was hardly the least of Sasuke's worries. His biggest fear was that Haku would be around to long. Who was to say Naruto wouldn't end up moving again? If Haku stayed for months then he would never have time alone with the blond ever again. All of this just really sucked. Sasuke growled and crossed his arms not even answering Naruto after that. They simply walked in silence, which seemed to please Haku. Sasuke had the urge to strangle the boy every time he looked back here to check on them.

Haku grinned widely as they finally came to a stop before Naruto's front door. He was eager to get rid of Sasuke and Itachi so he could finally recap with Naruto on all the missed excitement. But there was no telling what else he could do when the others were gone. So Haku was the first to push the door bell, only to be welcomed with the annoying sound of a female's voice. But Haku was use to this, he even expected this from Jiraiya, since he had known the perverted man for two years.

Finally the door was thrown open and Jiraiya was about to yell at the group, when he suddenly spotted the long raven haired boy standing before him. "Haku?" He stated oddly. "Since when..."

"He came to visit Jiraiya! Isn't that great?!" Naruto chorused out next before the man could finish his questioning. "He can stay here, right?" Naruto asked anxiously, scampering forward so he was standing beside Haku, which upset Sasuke a little. Jiraiya only sighed and nodded. It didn't take a second more for Haku to go dashing in, pulling Naruto by the hand and his bags in the other.

There was a brief moment of silence as Jiraiya stood before Sasuke and Itachi. His expression was bland and uncaring before he sighed once more. "Damn, and here I thought I could get away from that little demon." Jiraiya whispered to himself. Sasuke's eyes widened at this statement. So the old man did know of how much a bitch Haku could be! "Yeah I know what you are thinking Uchiha." Jiraiya laughed. "Haku normally looks all lovable and kind at first appearances, but he can be a real pain in the ass afterwards."

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