Chapter 14

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Chapter Fourteen

The Calvary Has Arrived!

"What?!" Sasuke exclaimed loud enough to draw everyone's attention to him. Was it just him or had his worst nightmare just come true? Itachi, at a hot springs...with Naruto? That had to be the worse combination ever! It would be impossible for him to keep the blond away from his brother the entire time unless there were ten of him, but even then there was the issue that Jiraiya probably wouldn't let him be alone with Naruto.

"Excuse me?" Iruka questioned, an eye brow quirking up. "Do you have trouble with this Mr. Uchiha?" He asked suspiciously.

Once again everyone's eyes fell on Sasuke, making the teen incredibly nervous. He doubted Iruka would believe him if he told him the truth, especially if Itachi tried to deny it. Who would believe a kid instead of a grown up, especially one who was already out to get his older brother? He had been luck finding a needle in a hay farm.

"Excuse Sasuke, he gets hysterical from time to time. I'm sure he's thrilled to get to go on the field trip with Naruto." Itachi interrupted with his unnaturally calm smile, as if this whole facade was not a even a going to cause him to sweat. When in truth this was probably going to be his most difficult challenge yet, but Itachi loved a challenge. It would be fun trying to drag Naruto away from the class and sneaking him out of the room he was most likely going to be sharing with Jiraiya or Sasuke. Late night baths with the blond, just made Itachi all the more excited for the trip.

Iruka nodded, seeming to take that as a plausible explanation. "Alright then. The trip will last for three days and begins this Friday. Unfortunately, you two boys will need to be doing a lot of make up work during the trip since you are suspended. So I doubt you will have much extra time for anything other than what is scheduled for the group." Iruka explained, sounding almost pleased with this decision.

Of course Itachi was not in the least bit happy over this discovery. It seems like he would just have to help the blond with his work so they could have some real fun as soon as possible. Itachi nodded in agreement. "Well then, I guess we will be seeing you then Iruka-Sensei." Itachi remarked politely. He turned Sasuke on the shoulder and lead the boy slowly back to the door.

"This is great Sasuke!" Naruto cheered, throwing his arms in the air and being in his recklessly loud voice. "Even after we are suspended we get to go on the trip!" Naruto laughed proudly. "And Ita-niisan and Jiraiya get to come!" The blond seemed to enthusiastic to catch Sasuke's remorse. Naruto simply didn't have much a problem with the adults coming. After all he new for a fact Jiraiya would be way too busy stalking naked girls to bother him and Sasuke and Itachi would just be his normally respectable, patient self.

"I'm with you kid!" Jiraiya anxiously budded in, throwing his arms in the air as well. Sasuke had never been more sure that the two had stayed with one another for quite some time, than right now. They truly had the same excited antics and gestures. "Bring on the honeys!" Jiraiya cooed perversely. "Now I get all of the research I need on the trip." He cackled, his cheeks flaring with red as millions of ecchi thoughts flowed into his mind.

Sasuke simply groaned, followed by Itachi's acute chuckling as he watched the ecstatic blond and his guardian do an odd dance in victory. "How come I get the feeling I won't get a moment's rest at the hot springs?" Sasuke grumbled to himself. He lazily turned his head when he felt a brief tapping on his shoulder. His eyes dilated as he saw the pervy man himself kneeled down behind him.

"Shh!" Jiraiya whispered, as he cupped his hand over Sasuke's mouth. Jiraiya took a silent moment to watch Naruto still happily skipping down the hall with Itachi closely behind, and returned his gaze to Sasuke. When he considered the others a good distance away, he started to speak. "Alright Uchiha, this is how it's going down. I saw your pervy little video with Naruto, and I must say, you have a great future as a porno director." Jiraiya muttered, keeping his voice low and sharp.

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