Chapter 30

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Chapter Thirty

Friends Never Say Goodbye

Part Two

After getting changed back into his normal clothes, Naruto was dragged out of the store and back down the street with Haku. Sasuke and Itachi once again followed sadly. This had not proven to be a good day at all for Sasuke. The day began with Naruto hanging out with his brother and was ending with him hanging out with Haku. Where was the Sasuke time? When would the young Uchiha get his chance to be with the lovable blond today? Though it was a fact he had been spending more time with Naruto than any other person during the entire time of Naruto's stay here. But that was not nearly enough time Sasuke would be satisfied with.

"Hey Naru-kun, let's go to the park!" Haku suggested anxiously. "I want to see if it is anything like the one back at home."

Sasuke was actually getting more angry with how the two were referring to the place Naruto 'USE TO' live. Which meant he didn't live there now and which meant it wasn't his home now! Naruto lived here, so this was his home! They acted liked Naruto was one day going to return there for good. Sasuke simply wouldn't accept that, he loved having the blond around. Konoha had seemed to be ten times more cheerful now that Naruto was around to bring people together.

Naruto was that type of person who was the glue for everything. Enemies that normally on any occasion wouldn't have done anything but argue, have been made decently acquainted All because they were a friend of a friend, the number one friend being Naruto. Take Neji and Sasuke for instance. The two would have never talked to each other unless it was to insult and intimidate one another. But when Sasuke had asked for Neji's help with Naruto, the Hyuga had given him assistance. It was Neji's idea to fix the egg and it was him that had warned Sasuke about Haku. So did that not make them somewhat friends?

The same could be said for Itachi and Sasuke. Before Naruto had showed up the two would still be endlessly hating eat other for a misunderstanding in the past. But it had been Naruto who wanted to know why they hated each other. He had devoted his time into finding out and then clearing up the mess between the two brothers. He had at least made them a family again, though not entirely all that loving, but none the less a family. If not for him, they would be ringing each other's necks right now.

So didn't it make since that Naruto belonged here more than any other place. He had this contagious happiness and love that made others adapt to his goofy ways so quickly. Though he was clumsy and a lot of trouble, he never seemed to get in anyone's way that wouldn't later benefit them in the future. So to have Naruto go back to his old home, would only tear apart this fair city and all of its citizens. Sasuke would never hang out with the other students in his class since Naruto would not be there to defend him or support him. And Sasuke's fan girls would continue to bug him all because Naruto wasn't there to stop them or scare them away since they didn't like him. To sum it all up, this place wouldn't be home unless Naruto was around to make it so.

With that single thought in mind, Sasuke walked up ahead so he could catch up to the eagerly chattering teens. "May I bother Naruto for a second Haku," Sasuke insisted politely before grabbing Naruto's hand and pulling him away from his old best friend. Sasuke suspiciously watched Haku fall behind with Itachi before he continued to speak. "Naruto what's going on here? I don't like this Haku character." Sasuke explained firmly.

"What do you mean? Haku just wanted to visit. I haven't spoke to him since I left. I've missed him..." Naruto whispered softly, a warm smile on his face as he stared down at the ground. "I was afraid he would forget me after I left, but to hear him so happy again and with me no less, it's just too good to be true." Sasuke felt his throat go dry at Naruto's words. It be came very obvious that the blond had some feelings he wasn't telling him. "Haku was my only friend, so I was afraid I would have nothing to go back to if he forgot me."

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