Chapter 44

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Chapter Forty-Four

The Beginning Of The End

Morning had to have been the most difficult of days Sasuke had ever known. Sasuke thought getting here was unbearably hard, but this was absolutely unbelievable. It was harder to get the group out of the beach house opposed to getting them here in the first place. Because of what happened last night, Kisame nor Itachi were in the mood for moving. But everyone highly doubted Itachi would be able to move anyway. So Sasuke had taken it into his own hands and splashed a bucket of cold water on the two before getting mad at them for soiling the sheets that he would have to clean. The two didn't appreciate Sasuke budding in, but they cooperated and got dressed anyway. Itachi wasn't looking forward to getting back home when he would have to pack.

Zabuza and Haku acted the same way. They too, were reluctant with having to leave and so took their good old time getting out of bed and getting dressed. The only way Sasuke managed to convince them to hurry up was to brag to Zabuza about how Haku wouldn't be around with Naruto for these four days. Now that was truly a protective way of getting the older man to move his butt in high gear. Haku on the other hand blubbered like a baby when he had to say good bye to Naruto. It had take all of Sasuke's strength to pry the stupid boy away form his boyfriend. But he finally managed to get both couples into the van and away from them.

"This is ridiculous!" Sasuke screamed out loudly, his head thrown back and his arms in the air. He was filled with so much relief the moment the van was out of sight along the long dusted road. "It should take this much effort to get some alone time." He complained, finally straightening his position and staring at where Naruto once was standing. "Naruto?" The Uchiha questioned upon finding that his hyper active blond was not standing beside him. It barely took a second for Sasuke to start panicking about that. Whenever Naruto disappeared that meant trouble! "Naruto!" He yelled, racing off back into the house to find him.

Thankfully, Sasuke found Naruto in their room hurriedly slipping on a pair of sneakers and tying them sloppily. "What are you doing dobe?" He asked with a irritated groan. If he knew Naruto, the blond would most likely be looking forward to going out somewhere. But Sasuke had only been looking forward to staring here where it was just the two of them. He had to get somewhere with Naruto, and that required privacy. That was not something easily acquired in town.

"I want to go check out the board walk." Naruto explained anxiously. "When Itachi took me and Kisame to the Grocery store, we saw a bunch of cool shops along the way. I was hoping we could go see them today. You're coming, right?" He asked. Sasuke was a little peeved Naruto had the nerve to even think he was going to let him go there alone. He sighed dryly and nodded. So much for some intimate alone time. They could go shopping any old day; Sasuke wanted cuddling.

Not being one to beat around the bush, Sasuke quickly put on his own shoes. "Alright lets get going Naruto." He grumbled, obviously sounding against the idea. But as naive as Naruto was, he didn't seem to recognize the reluctant in Sasuke's tone and simply accepted the teen's words before dashing out of the bedroom with a blithe smile on his face. Sasuke straggled behind.

"You'll love it Sasuke, they have some pretty cool things." Naruto rambled as he hopped down each step of the back porch. Sasuke, of course, walked behind him in a steady, heedless pace. "Maybe I can get Jiraiya and the gang a few souvenirs." The blond excitedly decided; resulting in Sasuke rolling his eyes in boredom. Naruto was nearly skipping across the shore as he made his way over to the cemented land. Just outlining the beach was a long strip of beach shops.

Sasuke dazedly watched Naruto scamper off into the first store. Suddenly noticing it was clothing store, Sasuke was hastily filled with interest. Clothing stores meant changing rooms, which lead to molesting a certain perky blond in private. The idea was simply delicious in Sasuke's mind. He always did love a challenge and the thrill of almost getting caught was sure to quench his thirst for excitement. He couldn't help but lick his lips as he stepped into the store as well.

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