Chapter 26

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Chapter Twenty- Six

Too Much Of A Good Thing

"Come on dobe! Wake up!" Sasuke exclaimed, shoving Naruto's shoulder roughly with the hopes of snapping the blond out of his slumber. "I swear you are the last one always on the bus." He complained when he had only succeed in making Naruto lean against the bus window. Another five minutes of his efforts proved to be worth it when Naruto finally stirred from his sleep. "Get up Naruto! Everyone is already unpacking the bus," Sasuke growled, getting up from his seat.

It had been hard enough to wake Naruto this morning. For some reason the blond was extremely tired from last night, but he had stay up late because of the argument. Luckily, Naruto had been alert enough to hear Sasuke when the raven haired teen told him Itachi and him had worked things out. That alone had upped Naruto's hyper level by ten points, making the teen jump about in a squealing celebration. Thankfully it hadn't drawn too much attention since they were out in the parking lot first loading up the buses. But more importantly, Sasuke had told Naruto about Itachi deciding to put there relationship on hold. Which, disappointingly for Sasuke, only put Naruto in a confused stupor. Sure Sasuke was overwhelmed with joy while Naruto was simply curious and baffled by Itachi's decision.

"Just a few more minutes teme...," Naruto grumbled. The blond childishly clung to himself, curling up against the window as he nuzzled his head against the window. Sasuke had enough of Naruto's whining and was tempted to punch the kid, but instead he grabbed Naruto by the ankles and literally dragged him off the chair. "No! Teme, let go!" Naruto wailed tiredly as he tried to grab hold of the seat again. But Sasuke managed to pull him far enough so Naruto's efforts were in vain.

By the time Sasuke managed to pull Naruto completely off the bus, most of the students had already got their belongings an were being driven home by their parents. Sasuke sighed hopelessly as he finally let go of Naruto's ankles, not having to pull Naruto to move him out of his sleepy state. Huffing grumpily, Sasuke grunted an almost inaudible statement, "I guess you will be too tired to go out with me tomorrow."

Naruto suddenly perked up, his eyes popping open as he sat up quickly. "Go out where? I want to come," the blond anxious answered without much convincing. Sasuke was aggravated with Naruto's sudden alertness only when it involved something that interested him. But the Uchiha held back his annoyance non the less.

"I was hoping I could take you around town like I promised you the other day, but it seems that you are too exhausted from the trip to even be awake tomorrow. I guess I will just take you out on a date some other time." Sasuke sighed sarcastically, his eyes rolling up with sorrow to support his fake role. Sasuke took pleasure in Naruto's immediate reaction.

"No, no! I'm awake! I'm not tired at all Sasuke. A date, you mean it? Really?" Naruto asked and assured all at once. He had long ago popped up into a standing position and was practically ogling Sasuke now with his hopeful and large blue eyes. "I swear, I can stay awake. Please, can we go?" He begged desperately. Naruto paused in confusion when Sasuke burst into continuous laughter. Though he didn't seem to get that Sasuke was only joking before, Naruto didn't like the fact Sasuke was laughing at him. "Hey teme! No laughing!" He demanded, his eyes narrowing in an attempt to look angry.

"Calm down Naruto," Sasuke snickered. "I still plan to take you out. Since tomorrow's the weekend, I'll pick you up around three. Is that okay with you?" Sasuke smirked when Naruto nodded anxiously. "Good. It's nothing fancy, but I still expect you to dress a little different." Sasuke wanted to tell the blond to dress up in something sexy, but he didn't want Naruto to feel too uncomfortable on their first date. Sasuke was especially happy Naruto had agreed even when he pacifically told him it was a date. So there was much hope for then, Sasuke thought.

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