Chapter 46

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Chapter Forty-Six

My Heart Is Yours

The moment Sasuke stepped into the house he was filled with an eerie reluctance. He saw Naruto scampering about the kitchen in search of loads of ramen. Sasuke simply wished he had lead on the naive blond about that idea. He was merely joking when he said it, but it was only common sense that Naruto would take his words so seriously. He would remember he had to be more careful with his words from now on.

His eye twitched with annoyance as Naruto made a second round back to the kitchen to grab another large collection of ramen. With a heavy sigh, Sasuke wheeled himself toward the blond, standing right in front of the kitchen door and blocking Naruto's only portal to the ramen. "You do know I was only kidding when I suggested it Naruto. As intriguing as a ramen bath sounds, it is not one of the things I was hoping to do while we were out here. Besides, having a ramen bath would completely destroy the purpose of having a bath." He mentioned, his voice quaking with temperamental frustration.

Naruto's eyes narrowed and his fist tightened. Obviously when it came to rejection of ramen the blond could be quite fierce. "But you promised teme! I'm not going to covered myself with food if I don't get my daily ramen intake!" He exclaimed, his arms flailing into the air hysterically. Sasuke felt a migraine coming on because of this. And he was really looking forward to coating his beloved boyfriend in the delightful contents of dessert. But if it meant crossing out a ramen bath, then he would sacrifice his perverted fantasy.

"I know, I know, but-" Sasuke stopped mid-sentence as he was staring face to face with furiously glowing blue eyes and an irresistibly convincing pout. Damn this blond and his cuteness, whether he knew it or not. Sasuke grumbled and crossed his arms. If he wasn't so desperate for Naruto's affection and approval he would have just said 'no', but that was not an option as of right now. "Fine." He sighed in defeat. "But I'm not getting in. You can take your stupid ramen bath alone." Sasuke growled.

The blond may have won his argument but not in the way he wanted. He looked incredibly said after Sasuke explained the conditions. "Will you at least watch?" Naruto asked in a feathery soft voice. Maybe he could convince Sasuke to join him if the Uchiha at least stayed in the same room as him. Kami knows, Naruto wanted to share the joyful experience with someone. Being alone was just no fun. Sasuke rolled his eyes in response but gave no verbal sign of objection. In seconds, Naruto's smile had returned full force and he was shoving Sasuke out of the way to retrieve the rest of the ramen.

Sasuke watched irritably as Naruto started the hot water in tub after grabbing all of the supplies. He would have suggested Naruto just make it in a Jacuzzi but he didn't want anyone to see them like this outside, and a bath tub was much more easier to clean if Naruto didn't eat all of the ramen. It was impossible for even Naruto to consume all of that ramen. It took longer than they thought to get the ramen to boil and then they had to wait for the water to cool back off so they wouldn't be scorched.

"Finally!" Naruto boisterously yelled out, standing over a steamy ramen filled bath tub. Sasuke wanted to stab himself, but reframed from the thought as soon as he saw Naruto start undressing. Surely Naruto wasn't going to ramen bathe in the... He stood corrected as he saw the blonde's rear in clear view. "Too bad you won't come in teme," Naruto tried to tease.

"Nah, I'm fine out here with my sanity." Sasuke countered with a smirk. He pulled down the toilet seat and sat down. Cupping his chin in his palm he sat bored there and waited for this whole insanity to pass over. He grinned amusingly as he watched Naruto try to get in the hot water. Every time the blond dipped a toe in he was forced to bring it back out instantly. Sasuke mused over Naruto's struggle after all he had down to get the bath ready, he still could not use it.

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