Chapter 9

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Chapter Nine

Lights! Camera! Action!

The night had progressed slowly as the darkness set in. The owl had only begun their hooting and the insects; their chirping. But their sweet harmony coexisting together was more than little Sasuke could bare. Sure animals of the night were all good and dandy, but hardly acceptable when was trying to enjoy the SILENCE of the night. So to say that Sasuke was awake and alert, would be an understatement. The Uchiha was more paranoid than ever.

The soft body using him as a pillow was the only thing keeping him sane and from going mad with worry. He was haunted with the thought of Jiraiya coming home any moment to find them like this. His life would be shortened by half or he would be killed entirely, either way it was not going to be easy for the young Uchiha.

"Sasuke-kun..." Naruto murmured softly, his hands clinging tightly to the other's shirt as he fidgeted about. "I don't wanna be the kitsune..."

Sasuke mentally laughed over Naruto's little pouting over the movie parts. Suddenly his eyes opened wide in terror. "The movie! Oh shit!" In all the hustle and bustle of cleaning Jiraiya's room in a hurry and tending to his problem, Sasuke had completely forgotten the camera still sitting on the bookshelf in clear view, with their tape still inside. What was he still doing here?! He had to get it before Jiraiya got home and saw it first.

Sasuke pushed up on his elbows, finding it hard with the sleeping blond still resting on him. With expert flexibility, Sasuke maneuvered his way out from beneath Naruto's sleeping form. But that had done nothing in bringing down his arousal. Why the hell was his dick getting a work out whenever he was near Naruto?! It was getting on Sasuke's last nerves. He swore the next time he got turned on, he'll just let Naruto take care of it, willing or unwilling.

Walking bold legged, Sasuke painfully made his way to Jiraiya's room. Damn erection made it hard to even walk. He hissed acutely each time the fabric of his pants and boxers rubbed to effortlessly against his hard-on. It should have been simple to get rid of; just think about Itachi taking care of it. That would have worked before, when Sasuke didn't experience by first hand how great the older Uchiha was in that category.

Without much hesitation, Sasuke burst into the other's room and raced over to the bookshelf, grabbing the camera. But the moment he was making his way back to the door he heard a brief shuffle of weight at the front door. A lot of moaning and groaning erupted from whoever was outside, and finally Sasuke's dread over took him. Jiraiya was home. He heard a repeated jingle of keys and curses, Sasuke had suspected he had trouble getting in.

Seeing as how there was no time he could save Naruto, Sasuke quickly rushed out of Jiraiya's room, closing the door behind him and ran into Naruto's room with camera in hand. Maybe Jiraiya wouldn't go through his boxes and find the camera gone tonight, but he was sure to be mad if he noticed Naruto in one of his costumes. The door opened finally, causing Sasuke to convulse in fear.

Turning off the lights in Naruto's room, Sasuke crawled beneath the other's blankets. Maybe if Jiraiya thought he was asleep already he wouldn't be too suspicious. Sasuke could only hope as he heard the loud footsteps down the hall. They stopped momentarily, filling Sasuke with fear that Jiraiya had noticed the blond on the couch. Sasuke cursed under breath and begged that Naruto would day forgive him.

Surprisingly enough, Sasuke heard no shouts or angry ramblings from down the hall, only the loud and unsteady walking. Sasuke stiffened as Naruto's bedroom door was slowly pushed open with a slow irritating creak to play out the horror of the moment. "Damn brat...," Sasuke heard the slur-ish grumble. Sasuke kept his eyes closed as the man approached the bed in inspection. The foul smell of liquor and whores swarmed around the old man as he leaned over and sneered at the supposedly sleeping Uchiha.

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