Chpater 45

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Chapter Forty-Five

Emotions On Preserve

Itachi couldn't believe what nerve his father had. After all the adversity he had put his family through, he just all of a sudden wanted to be a family again as if it would change everything. "I just want my little boy back." Fugaku whispered stepping closer to the younger Uchiha. Itachi couldn't be any more sure that his father was lying. Those were not the words of a changed man. He was all the more sure of this when he suddenly felt his father's chest push against his back. "My have you grown Itachi. I guess I can't exactly call you little anymore." The man chuckled in an eerie voice that had plagued Itachi to no end.

It was hard too bare. Itachi really wanted to believe his father had changed if only a little bit, but he knew that was impossible. He winced when his father's cold touch fell to his waist. And immediately Itachi knew by the sickening way the other's fingers cupped at his hips, that Fugaku had only put his desires on hold, preserving them in meant condition. It must have been easy to convince the courts that he had changed, when he had no temptation to make him slip up. After all, he was just an ordinary man until he got around his young sons.

Despite how strong Itachi wanted to be, he felt as if he weren't able to do anything but cry. "I'll ...I'll never be your's ever again." Itachi hissed. He tried to turn around for he could escape, but his father pushed him harder into the counter with his body. Itachi gasped softly as his pelvis was being slammed painfully into the hard surface. But what was more upsetting if not disturbing, he could fully feel the existent of his father's need pressing deeper into his rear.

"So I've heard Itachi." The man replied back , his voice not as gentle as he intended it to be before. He straddled the other's hips with a widening smirk. "I hope you know word does get around my son. And what I've been hearing Itachi, is that you've turned into a whore, desperate for sex." Fugaku spat out, his grip on Itachi's waist tightening so much he had managed to claw into some skin.

Itachi's eyes widened surprisingly. His father had heard about that. Though it wasn't a secret, how did it reach the jail cells? This wasn't good; his father was probably furious with him. With fear set in, Itachi quickly tried to slip away. But Fugaku slapped Itachi before he could even manage to get a foot away. "Where do you think you are going?!" He yelled maliciously at his son. He jerked Itachi back into his original position, uncaring that a clear print would be left on his body from where he was pressed against the counter. "Has whoring yourself around made you disobedient? I thought I told you to listen whenever I speak."

His words vaguely reached Itachi's ears. The only sound he could he was the pounding of his own heart and rapidly coursing blood in his body. He whimpered when a rough hand reached around to his front and viciously squeezed at his sensitive flesh. "I think a little rehabilitation is in order. You seem to have forgotten who exactly you belong to. I'm the only person who can have you. No one else wants a slut like you." Fugaku explained, his lips pressing against the cradle of Itachi's neck.

Kisame wanted him. Itachi knew that at least. So his father would always be wrong. "Do you know how humiliating it is to hear from my jail mates about you? They were convinced I had a tight hold on you when you first started visiting me." The man chuckle evilly, fondling the soft flesh in his hands as he heard his son's whimpering. "'Looks like you've lost your touch Fugaku', they'd say now. My son has no respect for me, so what would possibly make you think I would have any respect for a whore like you."

Itachi felt a cried form in the bottom of his throat. His father had started to grind his hips into him, prodding that arousal into him. It was enough to make Itachi sick, but not enough to kill him right now. Another cold palm scaled his chest, slipping beneath his shirt to harass the now exposed skin. "Stop it!" Itachi founded himself screaming, his eyes closed tight. He didn't want to be in this position ever again. But his eyes popped open when his father's hands left him only to turn him around angrily and slam his back into the counter.

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