Chapter 6

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Chapter Six

Family Bonds

"Alright class, yesterday you were assigned a partner and had the entire evening to get to know each other." Iruka replied loudly over the whispering and snickering waves of his students. Since they had gotten into class, everyone either seemed excited or disappointed with their arrangements, so the morning was filled with the exact mindless chatter Iruka was known to hate. "But today you are going to get to know your baby more." The few groups that had been talking, silenced as they listened to him. How were they suppose to get to know an egg? They didn't very well talk at all and these eggs certainly weren't going to hatch.

Iruka smirked proudly over having grabbed most of their attention. "On each of your desk are supplies in which you will use to design or dress your baby." He explained. "This will tell me exactly how much you care for your child. And don't be afraid to be creative with it. Make the baby share both you and your partner's features to show the genetic traits." He explained. "You have the rest of class and at home to do this, but tomorrow I will inspect each child." With that said, Iruka sat back down behind his desk. And immediately the noise rose again as partners started to discus a design for their child.

"I know just what Aka-chan should wear," Naruto chuckled excitedly. Already the blond was anxiously going through the small fabrics and paper, coming together with a outfit for their egg.

Sasuke was hardly as thrilled as Naruto to be playing dress up with an egg. But he could at least be happy with seeing the bright smile on Naruto's face and he started to dress their egg. He hadn't realize he had been staring at Naruto, with his chin settled in his hand while Naruto did all the work.

"Sasuke, you have to help. Fathers dress babies too." Naruto pointed out, making his cheeks puff up in a rather ridiculous way. "Aka-chan wants you to help her get dress in her first yukata."

Sasuke simply laughed at the thought. "You want to dress our baby in a yukata? Don't you think that will be a little difficult since she doesn't have arms and legs." The Uchiha chuckled.

"Shhh Sasuke, she doesn't know that!" Naruto whispered in a deadly tone. He turned back to the egg and petted it softly. "It's okay Aka-chan, he didn't mean that." Sasuke sighed. If Naruto thought this egg was magically going to sprout limbs one day, then who was Sasuke to destroy his dreams.

"Well, if you want my opinion, I think she should have your eyes." Sasuke smiled. But he knew cheap blue markings would never be able to stand up to the true beauty of Naruto's ocean blue eyes. They were so welcoming and big, one could literally drown in their depths.

"Really?" Naruto blinked. "But I don't want her to get picked on by the other babies." He replied. Unrealized as it was to Sasuke, Naruto was often picked on as a child for his different shade of hair and eyed color. Every other child had brown or black colors in their hair and eyes, but he had blond hair and blue eyes; very uncommon in his town.

"Trust me. She has the coolest parents ever." Sasuke grinned prideful. Not that he had ever supported pretending in this family project, he could at least think they were naturally awesome parents period.

Naruto instantly smiled in return an nodded. "You're right. Every other baby is going to be jealous of her. Now, I think she should have your hair." Naruto suggested, grabbing a darker blue marker and starting to color in on the top of the egg. "But her hair won't be quite as funny looking as yours," Naruto chuckled.

"Hey! You're not allowed to make fun of my hair. I didn't pick on your eyes." Sasuke huffed and crossed his arms. Of course only pretending to be upset about the comment. But Naruto obviously took the Uchiha for being serious and was immediately regretful.

Brothers can't be trusted//SASUNARUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt