Chapter 47

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Chapter Forty-Seven

Trouble In Paradise

For ages it seemed like there was nothing but a sincere surrounding. Everything was quite with the exception of the peaceful breaths escaping the two sleeping teens and the elegant tossing of waves as they crashed into the sea shore. It was a little peace of heaven, this small strip of land on which their beach house was currently built. No one had come to wake them for school or to simply aggravate them with utter nonsense. There was no busy hustling of cars outside the window or the boisterous voices of neighbors preparing for a day at work. It was just...prefect.

But even with such a majestic setting, one particular raven haired teen could not remain asleep. Not that he could not get back to sleep, he was simply just awake after awhile and his eyes refused to close once more for too long. Then again, Sasuke wouldn't want them to close anyway. He had such a vivid display before him; too beautiful to tare his eyes from.

Naruto was still sound asleep, his hands curled around Sasuke's as they laid beside his head. His lips were parted slightly and a small trail of drool was running down the side of his mouth, but this only signaled a restful slumber. Sasuke loved how gorgeous his blond looked, breathing gently beneath him. For a long while, he didn't even mind still being covered in the essence of their love making late into the morning. At a time, he would have been extremely uncomfortable with it, but for now he couldn't be any more content. Naruto was finally his, and nothing was going to change that now.

Itachi had Kisame, so that was a threat taken care of. And Haku was with Zabuza. The kids at school wouldn't prove to be much of a problem since they all knew about him and Naruto being together. Even his potential threat of Kankuro was cancelled out since they would be leaving this place tomorrow. But Sasuke was reluctant to admitting that. Thinking of home, Sasuke had the sudden urge to rub this special occasion in Itachi's face. Kami knows how mad his brother will be when he finds out he accomplished what Itachi couldn't.

With that exhilarating thought in mind, Sasuke slowly lifted off of Naruto. He felt a little bad, having saw a deep red print on most of Naruto's body from when he had been too lazy to get off the blond before falling asleep. But it was bound to go away eventually. He rolled over on the bed and slipped out from beneath the covers. He gave his sleeping lover one generous glance and smile before walking over to the phone on the other side of the room. He sat down in the basket like chair in the corner and quickly started to dial home.

His brow arched up in confusion when the phone just kept ringing. No one had picked up even after twenty rings. Sasuke's best guess was Itachi was too busy getting screwed or was too tired to answer the phone. He really wanted to talk to his brother for once, but not even Itachi's cell phone was picking up. "Stupid prick, avoiding me like some wimp." Sasuke grumbled angrily as he started to dial another number. Itachi was probably with Kisame, so he would probably have better luck by calling that fool on his cell phone.

Kisame hovered over Itachi's hospital bed, nervously fiddling with his fingers. He couldn't stand seeing Itachi like this; a variety of wires and needles stuck in him and bandages covering his head. He hadn't left Itachi's side even once during these past two hours since he arrived. He was filled with dread that the one moment he turned around the Uchiha would suddenly disappear or die. There was something just so depressing about being in a hospital where people were dying all the time. It was almost too unbearable.

So when his phone suddenly vibrated in his pocket, he nearly jumped out of his skin. He leaped out of his seat and pulled the small cell phone out. He didn't recognize the number, but he was sure it had to be important since he only gave out his number to a few people. He worriedly looked at Itachi for a moment and quickly stepped outside the room, not wanting to wake the other. He flipped it open and spoke clearly. "Hello?"

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