Chapter 18

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Chapter Eighteen

A Test Of True Skills

Part One

"What?!" Sasuke exclaimed hysterically. Had Jiraiya just ensured his imminent fate through some stupid, perverted bet?! Since when was he some consequence for who ever supposedly couldn't bare a dare. Rather than encourage the young Uchiha, Jiraiya had in fact discouraged him. Jiraiya was practically saying giving Sasuke head was worse than any other dare. Plus, Sasuke was not comforted at all by the thought of anyone having their filthy mouths around his pride and joy. Well anyone, with the exception of Naruto of course.

"Kiba, I can't recall any one of us agreeing to this little agreement." Shikamaru bluntly mentioned.

"Well I didn't hear any objections either. Besides, its too late to turn back now." Kiba laughed heedlessly. "And Sasuke, since even you are not skilled enough to give yourself a blowjob, I think it'd be only fair if you backed down, you would give the administrator of your dare a blowjob."

Sasuke groaned upsettingly. Well now he knew he would be following all of Itachi's and Jiraiya's dares simply because he didn't want to be near any of their disease infected cocks. After all the people they've been with, Sasuke wouldn't be surprised if they had three or more sexually transmitted diseases each.

"Well let's get this show on the road everyone!" Jiraiya announced joyously. "And when I mean XXX, I mean anything goes which cancels out all of that mild mindless questions like you boys tend to ask at your kiddy parties!"

Nearly everyone sighed over that statement; surely Jiraiya didn't make them out to be perverts like him? "Sorry to ruin the pre-mature fun, but you have nothing in which to choose who's turn it will be." Shino so stoically mentioned with a placid expression.

"Oh, don't worry. I always come prepared." Jiraiya happily rushed inside and returned with a small bottle of Sake in hand. "Now that we have everything taken care of, how about you spin first Kiba, since you were bold enough to accept my bet?"

Kiba grumbled something under his breath before jerking the bottle out of Jiraiya's hand. "Fine old man!" He hissed, setting the bottle down in the water just in the center of the large group. Swiftly, he turned the bottle in the water and watched as it slowly came to halt pointing to Shino. Seeing as how Kiba knew Shino for being the silent and conserved type, he would not bug him too much on either choices. "Truth or dare Shino?"

No one was surprised when Shino answered back with a "truth" since he was not one to prove anyone anything about him.

"Are you a virgin?" Kiba asked nonchalantly.

Shino showed no sign of worry or embarrassment, and if he did, it had gone unnoticed. "Yes," was his short and sure reply.

"No surprise there," Sasuke arrogantly whispered, earning a few snickers from those that had heard him. That was all except Shino, who had given the Uchiha an uncharacteristically venomous glare. But everyone knew it was likely for Shino not to have been with anyone. Sure some girls favored the strong and silent type, but they were not to keen on those that had a bug fetish if not an insect obsession.

"Your turn is soon Uchiha." Shino said softly, before spinning the bottle away form him. And as if the threads of fate were slowly weaving themselves into place, the head of the bottle had stopped in front of none other than Sasuke. Sasuke couldn't help but pale after he knew Shino would probably be somewhat resentful for his last comment.

Then again, it was Shino. The bug lover rarely did anything to so he was a follower of revenge or any form of anger. So Sasuke became cocky with the thought and had told Shino he chose dare before the question even came. The worse he expected from the mysterious teen was probably something along the lines of kissing a freakishly disgusting bug since he would certainly not have him eat something he cherished.

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