Chapter 5

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Step Three: Turn On Your Charms

There was only one word to describe the night Sasuke spent with Naruto: miserable. The young Uchiha had never known anyone who could be so damn fidgety and noisy! But he was sure Itachi had met plenty of them, since he slept with such a large variety of people. And he blamed all of this on Itachi in the first place, since it was his idea Naruto spend the night. If not for Sasuke's paranoia, this night might have been decent.

Sasuke at least didn't have to worry about guarding the door this time, since Itachi was right across from him. So the teen could rest easily...or not. Even with the Itachi barrier down, Sasuke was uneasy. Sure Naruto had stopped molesting him in his sleep, and was instead cuddling up to his brother, something Sasuke found absolutely revolting. How could anyone cuddle up to Itachi?! The horny bastard had a heart of stone, a body of ice, and a blood drenching glare! Why Naruto could so easily get next to that, Sasuke would never know.

In fact Naruto was not only sleeping near the older male, he was squeezing him! Okay, so maybe it was just his arm, but still any part of Itachi's body was just too disgusting for such contact. Sasuke could barely close his eyes as felt obliged to stare at the naive blond, rubbing his puffy, scared cheeks against Itachi's forearm. He cradled the appendage close to his chest as if it were his life guard. And he had ceased in his unusually sexy moaning and breathing.

But even if Sasuke managed to ignore all this and close his eyes, he wouldn't be able to ignore his sense of touch. Stupid Naruto was such a wild sleeper, his leg was draped over Sasuke's hips. It was quite an uncomfortable position, considering Sasuke had just finished getting rid of his arousal and here Naruto was, laying his leg right over it. The blond was secretly taunting him, Sasuke was convinced. Naruto probably knew about it and was making him suffer like horny teen he was.

Sasuke wanted to yell out at the world, "I got freaking dry humped by an idiot, and yet he's the only one not being punished!" Finally, Sasuke shoved the boy's leg off an rolled over onto his side. He wanted to forget this, and just let Itachi have Naruto. But he knew he would regret that thought in the morning, for now though, he couldn't care less. Sasuke was able find some sense of sanity and blanked out everything around him until he was finally able to fall asleep.

Morning was the best thing Sasuke had ever known. He had never been so grateful for the rising of the sun and sudden silence that followed it. He enjoyed the complete quietness as he neared consciousness, yet something felt out of place. For a long time now Naruto had moved his leg back over onto him like he had done for most of the night. In fact, Sasuke didn't even hear other breathing but his own.

The raven haired teen's eyes slowly opened as he looked across from him at the closed bedroom door. That was expected since he had closed it when he came in last night. Rolling over, Sasuke was immediately surprised to find no one there. Itachi and Naruto were both gone, their indentions being the only thing left. The first thing that came to mind, was Itachi was already screwing his friend in another room. Itachi always did favor morning sex than evening ones, though he could rarely find anyone else who shared his liking (thank Kami! Sasuke needed to be spared!).

Popping out of bed, Sasuke scampered out of the room. "Itachi, if you..." He growled as he rushed down the hall. He was just about to head into his own room when suddenly heard the banging of some pans. "The kitchen?" Sasuke questioned to himself. Why the kitchen of all places? Hadn't Itachi any respect for the sanctity of a eating area? Though Itachi would probably excuse the attack, by saying he was eating...Naruto that is.

"Naruto?" Sasuke called out, trying not to sound as mad as he really was. He stepped out into the kitchen, his face quickly draining of all coloring.

"Like this Ita-niisan?" Naruto asked softly, briefly looking at the taller male as he started to chop a few mushrooms.

Brothers can't be trusted//SASUNARUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora