Chapter 49

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Chapter Forty-Nine
Father May I

Both Naruto and Sasuke were at a lost for words; their jaws hanging low in astonishment. Had this guy just claimed to be Sasuke's father. As far as Sasuke could tell, his father was dead to him. Though he remembered when Itachi told him he was still alive, but that didn't change the fact that he no longer knew this ghost standing before him. It was simply impossible for this person to be his father, not after all he has been told. Not after all he had seen and heard. And just like an ocean wave, memories washed back over him...

'A small boy with large, excited eyes bounced into the kitchen, quickly tugging at his father's sleeve as the elder man sat there reading his paper. "Otou-san, take me to the park!" He begged happily, pulling more urgently on his father's clothing. His face brightened at the carefree smile that graced his father's lips that very moment. The man slowly set down his newspaper and glanced at his son with such affection before lightly brushing the hair on top of Sasuke's head. This had easily made the boy more hopeful of his father's acceptance.

"Sasuke, you know I have work to do soon. You're old enough to play by yourself." Fugaku chuckled warmly.

Sasuke's face immediately softened with disappointment as he let go of his father's sleeve. "But Itachi is a whole lot more older than me and you still play with him." The boy mumbled. He never did understand why his father would rather play with Itachi than him. He guessed it was because Itachi was twelve and all the more closer to being a grown up. And adults always liked to hang out with other adults. He noticed his father's sudden frown when he mentioned his brother. But this hadn't stopped Sasuke from prodding more. "Please Otou-san, won't you play with me like Itachi? I can do better than him, just give me a chance." Sasuke offered.

Without warning, both males suddenly jerked the heads toward the entrance when they heard a loud crash. Sasuke gapped curiously as he saw his brother standing in the kitchen doorway with a petrified look on his face. He was more paler than usual and he was just frozen, a broken dish now scattered the floor in pieces where he stood. At the time, Sasuke had thought nothing of it rather than his brother was jealous he was trying to steal their father away. But he hadn't the right o think that when Fugaku rose from his seat the next moment and started to pick up the pieces of the plate Itachi had dropped. "You should be more careful Itachi, we won't want you to get hurt now would we?" His father replied softly, only making Sasuke more angry.

The small boy was tempted to punch Itachi since once again he was stealing all the attention. It was his fault for dropping the plate, but their father had so eagerly jumped to help the idiot. And all Itachi could do was glower at the man as if he was the one that dropped it. It pissed Sasuke off, Itachi was so ungrateful and spoiled. "Sasuke." His father called out, snapping the boy out of his jealousy. "Can you go get a broom? Itachi go to your room." The man order mildly. Sasuke couldn't help but smirk as he went to retrieve the broom. It was about time Itachi got punished for something he did. Kami knows that arrogant prick deserved it.

That night Sasuke had been smiling to himself. Their mother had went out with friends again, so as usual his father had sent him to bed earlier. But he couldn't care less about that, he was actually pretty pleased with that. Usually it meant that Itachi was going to be punished. Of course, Sasuke liked it whenever he thought Itachi deserved to be punished and then other times he was confused and didn't see why Itachi was being punished. And tonight, Itachi definitely deserved it. Yesterday daddy had taken Itachi to the zoo, but they told Sasuke he had to stay home with mommy. Sasuke was always jealous when Itachi left with their father during the day. Once Sasuke had over heard his father speaking with friends, telling them he would bring Itachi along. Sasuke didn't think it was fair that Itachi got to meet their father's friends but he didn't. He only figured that Itachi had went to see them again that day too.

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