Chapter 3: Asmodeus, the Demon Emperor of Tartarus

Start from the beginning

He then looked around in confusion at how he could have said that all in his own mind in just once, 'Damned, I really think myself a lot. Still...'

Asmodeus then looked into his groin and it looked stiffened now, 'Damned. Just thinking about sexy thoughts and this thing gets hard. Hmph, wouldn't blame myself, though. Every female in this anime is just hot that...' Asmodeus thought and he could think about something really, really lewd right now that Asmodeus is unintentionally stroking his dick.

"Asmodeus. Why are you stroking your penis?"

The raspy and whispering voice of Atropus stopped him from masturbating himself as he saw his sword is still dangling on a sword stand.

"U-uh... What?" Asmodeus said in shock.

"I said, why are you stroking your penis?" Atropus said to him.

"It's... It's nothing, I assure you. Just have something come up in my head. About what to do in this world where the weak dies and strong lives." He said, 'And this anime world really wants to hammer in our heads about some social darwinistic bullshit. Surely there is something better than that. Not everything can be solved through strength, you know? Cause strength is not without intelligence and skill and without it, you are just a dumb brute who flail around their shit like an idiot.' He thought in disappointment.

Suddenly, he heard knocking on the door of his master bedroom.

"Who is it?" Asmodeus called out and as soon as he said this, the three girls that he had saved, Air, Fal and Luna, opened the door and comes in.

Asmodeus frowned at the sight of them, 'I remember these girls. They are from that infamous Chapter 23.5, about these three girls being sold to the Empire and then taken by an asshole named Bach and the chapter goes to shit from there. It already showed such disturbing images these three girls have suffered but getting fucked by a fucking dog? Now that is just beyond fucked up.' Asmodeus though as he clenched his fist together at that infamous Chapter 23.5.

He breathes in and out to calm himself before looking at the trio with a calming look, "Hello there, girls. How goes your new home here?" Asmodeus said to them.

"Uhm... It's fine... Master Asmodeus... Just need to.... Get used to those things outside..." Air said, still feeling shy.

"Yeah, gotta get used to the fact that I am living with a bunch of monsters, though." Luna said, rather bluntly.

"Luna..." Air admonished her.

"Well, it is great. The castle is awesome. Your soldiers are awesome. And everything is just awesome here." Fal said, being amazed at this.

"Well, I am glad that you have made yourself at home in my castle. I do apologised for the sights of my army. But I assure you that they will not harm you. I make sure of that." Asmodeus said to them.

"Asmodeus? Who are these three mortal children?" Atropus questioned Asmodeus.

"Eh... Who was that?" Air questioned, looking around at where the raspy voice is.

"I apologize for that. Air, Fal, Luna, meet my weapon, Atropus, the World Born Dead." He said, introducing the sentient to the girls.

"Holy cow, is that your sword? It looks cool." Fal said, feeling amazed at the sight.

"And creepy..." Luna said regarding the Atropus' creepy design.

"Better to strike amongst my enemies." Atropus respond, shocking the girls that it really can speak.

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