Blessings, indeed.

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Yoonhee was cooking breakfast in the kitchen. She was so concentrated that she did not notice the person who was sneaking up behind her. 

"Good morning," Yoonchul gave Yoonhee a back hug and snuggled himself close to her. 

Yoonhee got a little startled but she instantly returned to a smile. 

"You're up early," Yoonhee smiled as Yoonchul hugged her. 

"You are too, why are you cooking this early in the morning?" Yoonchul looked to the pot of porridge that was bubbling. 

"I thought to cook breakfast for everyone." Yoonhee smiled. 

"And for Eunbyeol as well." She continued, realising that she must remind Yoonchul of the errands waiting for them. 

They didn't end up having a massive wedding, as Rona and Seokhoon would soon. They thought the arrangements were enough to simply sign the papers, exchange their vows before their family. And they did, very soon after Yoonchul had proposed. But soon after their marriage, the realisation of the brutal reality hits them. With Cheon Sojin now in prison, guilty of her evil deeds, she had been removed from guardianship of Eunbyeol. Eunbyeol finally returned to the care of her father, but now, still in a bad state, had been processing the thought of her new family. 

"You don't have to go if you don't feel comfortable, Yoonhee." Yoonchul spoke worriedly. 

He loves his daughters, and of course his wife, but the bad deeds that had been sowed during Cheon Sojin's evil reign. It had damaged many of them. Eunbyeol's faults had been reflected onto her illness now. Yoonchul still did not know how to heal Eunbyeol. As a father, he is worried. 

"I went there a few times already." Yoonhee spoke, surprising Yoonchul. She looked to the stunned face before her and gave the man a kiss on the cheeks as she moved to retrieve a thermo to carry the porridge in. 

"When?" Yoonchul asked as Yoonhee filled the thermo up. 

"Last week, last last week, a few days ago..." Yoonhee spoke, smiling. "Eunbyeol is doing well. She is opening up to me. I can feel she is getting better." 

"Why didn't you tell me?" Yoonchul asked anxiously. 

"You were busy with John Bio. I didn't want to disturb. Plus," Yoonhee laid her arms over Yoonchul's neck. "I want to get close to her. We are a family now. As much as she needs a father like you, she needs a mother-figure. I know I can't be Cheon Sojin. She had damaged Eunbyeol a lot, but she is still her biological mother. But what I could do is to support Eunbyeol as a mother figure, to let her know she doesn't have to go through these mental illnesses alone." 

Yoonchul was touched by Yoonhee's acts, but deep down he still worries if Eunbyeol would feel aggressive against Yoonhee and Rona. 

Yoonhee went back to packing when Rona and Seokhoon exited their bedroom, arriving at the kitchen. 

"Morning, Omma, Appa," Rona greeted happily, pouring a cup of water for herself and a cup for Seokhoon. 

Seokhoon smiled as he accepted the drink. 

"What are you making, Omma?" Rona asked. 

"Porridge for breakfast." Yoonhee smiled at her daughter. "Your favourite, pumpkin." 

Rona smiled happily as she peeked into the pot. 

"Are you heading somewhere, Yoonhee ahjuma?" Seokhoon asked. 

"It's Omma already, Seokhoon-ah," Yoonhee spoke, making Seokhoon blush at the thought of marrying Rona soon. "And yes, I am heading to the hospital to see Eunbyeol." 

WHAT IF- Rona x Seokhoon (Penthouse) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now