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"What do you mean music art centre director? Are you crazy?" Cheon Sojin yelled. 

She will never let Oh Yoonhee take anything from her anymore. 

Yoonhee smirked. Yoonchul scoffs too. She knew Cheon Sojin would react so. 

"Why do you react in such a sense? Do you have no confidence in yourself? You think I will take that place?" Yoonhee smiled. "Maybe you should put a little more trust in yourself." 

Sojin laughed in disbelief. 

"Well, then you shouldn't be here and just give up! I'm going to get to that place! It is mine, the one my father gave to me!" 

Yoonhee was not afraid of Sojin anymore. 

Years and years of fighting. She has been fed up with Sojin's obnoxious behaviours. If she is to do a thing, she will do it, without a doubt. Not playing little games behind someone's back. 

"Well then," Yoonhee giggled. "I think you should take good care of it." She walks closer to Sojin and whispered in her ears, "maybe I would really get the place." She smirked, as she sees Sojin's bulged out eyes of shock and anger. 

"Oh Yoonhee!" Sojin exclaimed. 

Sojin held in her anger and turned her attention to Ha Yoonchul. 

"So you're the little puppy for Logan, Suryeon and Yoonhee? Do you have no dignity at all?" 

Yoonchul laughed. 

"That's're the one who does not have any dignity. I am now a CEO, not the trash you once believed you controlled. I told you before, Cheon Sojin, I will take you down in whatever ways. That moment we were in jail, I was never thinking about you anymore. I will protect Eunbyeol myself. Not to a monster like you." He clenches his fist. 

"Take me down? Monster? What kind of joke is that?" Cheon Sojin scoffs. "Just you wait, I won't stop here." She smirked and strutted into the halls with her secretary. 

As Cheon Sojin enters, Yoonchul and Yoonhee lets out a sigh of relief. 

"Sorry, Yoonhee." Yoonchul spoke. 

Yoonhee smiled. "You don't have to be sorry. It's okay." She looked towards where Cheon Sojin headed towards. "She's a sadist too. I pity her a lot. No father to hold onto, and an obsession and jealousy to those around her." 

Yoonchul was still impressed about Yoonhee's maturity. Her mind is like a new person. 

"Yes." All he could say. 

His eyes was on Yoonhee, a woman he misses. 

The two enters the hall, where the voting was getting ready, and found Seokhoon, Rona, Jenny and Wonjoon seated at a corner at the back of the hall. They went to them. 

"Rona!" Yoonhee called. 

Rona turned to find her mother, entering with Yoonchul. 

"Omma?" Rona smiled. 

Seokhoon, Jenny and Wonjoon also stood to greet Yoonhee and Yoonchul. 

"Annyeong Ahjuma." Seokhoon bowed. 

"Oh Seokhoon-ah, why are you here?" 

Rona smiled. "Seokhoon is the music student department director, so he has a vote today for centre director." 

WHAT IF- Rona x Seokhoon (Penthouse) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now