Staying with you

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Seokhoon really enjoyed his times in the hospital with Rona. Seokkyung comes occasionally to play some board games with Seokhoon and Rona. Jenny also comes to keep Rona company, but she still wasn't ok to be near Seokkyung, in such intimacy. So she often texts Rona before she comes to check on Seokhoon and Rona. 

Seokhoon sometimes felt like he was able to be a kid again, to be happy, relieved and a little less stressed. Since their graduation came, soon they will start a new journey. 

He always felt so happy that he could smile again, he could play, he does not need to worry about work. 

Especially with Rona next to him. 

Trials for the cases were still going on and the adults were pretty much gone most of the time, in preparation for the investigations. But it didn't bother the teens, they were so glad summer is arriving. 

This day, the doctor came to take out Seokhoon's stitches on his back. 

Seokhoon sits up with his back facing the doctor and took his shirt off. 

For a musician, Seokhoon exquisitely well built with muscles. 

Although Rona had been with Seokhoon for quite a while now, and have seen him being checked on, this time being so close up to him, still made her shy. 

She had to hold in her shyness, still holding onto Seokhoon's hands, but looking down on the floor to avoid contact with Seokhoon's body, no his face~~~

Removing stitches were more painful than Seokhoon had expected. Luckily Rona was holding his hand, so he could feel someone next to him, giving him comfort. 

But he still couldn't hold back from squeezing Rona's hand when the doctor un-stitches him. 

He bits his lips to prevent himself to call out for pain, he didn't want Rona to worry. 

The doctor and nurses couldn't help but smile at how adorable this little couple is. 

One looking down, and one holding back his pain. 

After 10 minutes, the doctor completely removed the stitches from Seokhoon's wound and applied some ointment, and bandages the wound again. 

"Alright," the doctor packs up. He helps Seokhoon to lay back on the pillows. "Just a day more of rest, no bathing tonight, only wiping. And you would be fine to check out tomorrow and head home." He gives Rona the medicine, as she accepts it. 

It was a tub of ointment. 

"Put this on his scar for a month, and the scar would gradually heal up." 

Rona flushes red, wanting to tell the doctor that they don't, exactly, live together. 

Seokhoon held onto Rona's hands and looked at her cheekily. 

He turns to the doctor and nod to thank him, "thank you, Doctor, I will remind her to help me out." 

The doctor laughs. 

"You two are too cute." 

Seokhoon smiles and Rona was so shy she would nearly hide her whole self under the bed. 

The doctor pats on Seokhoon's shoulders and nods to Rona to bid farewell. 

The little couple nodded back. 

WHAT IF- Rona x Seokhoon (Penthouse) ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora