She's cute

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"Woah." Wonjoon just stood in the middle of the living room of the Penthouse. He stares at the whole interior, fascinated by its design. He looks out to the windows. 


Rona and Seokhoon laughed at Wonjoon's reaction. Seokhoon might have been used to being in such an environment, but Rona understood Wonjoon's reaction all too well. 

Seokhoon helped Rona with her coat and he hands the coats to the maids. 

They walked over to Wonjoon who was admiring the white snow from the windows.

"How are you guys living in such a decent place and I didn't know of?" Wonjoon exclaimed. 

"Didn't want to shock you," Seokhoon commented. 

Rona laughed. "It is Seokhoon's place. I am just renting with my mother here." 

Seokhoon looked at Rona, a little unpleased at how she had commented about it. He embraces her in his arms, leaving Rona a little shocked, looking at him. 

"You are already a family member here. So no, you are not renting." 

Rona smiled. 

Wonjoon looked at them, and all of a sudden realised something. 

"HOLD ON HOLD ON." He exclaimed. "So you guys live together already? Holy! You're not married yet man!" He hits Seokhoon. "How can you take advantage of ladies like this!" 

Rona laughed. Seokhoon got all angry and stared at Wonjoon. "What!" 

Wonjoon laughed and start running around the place. 

They all laughed and teased each other, until someone returns. 

Rona looked over to the door to find Seokkyung standing there, looking at the absurd scene. 

"Hello, Seokkyung." Rona greets Seokkyung with a nod, and she nods slightly back. 

Seokkyung crosses her arms and looked at her brother, all silly, different from the one she knew. 

"Oppa, what are you even doing?" 

Seokhoon looked over, still having a smile across his face. 

"Oh, Seokkyung. Say your hellos. This is my university friend, Wonjoon." 

Wonjoon bows and greets Seokkyung. "Hello Seokkyung, I have heard about you." 

Seokkyung pouts and walks up to her room without a greet. 

Wonjoon looked at Seokhoon and Rona, a little confused. 

"She's like that. Don't worry about it." Rona comforted Wonjoon. "Should we have some snacks and work on the music project?" 

The boys nodded and they head to the dining room, where delicious confectionery was waiting for them. 

Wonjoon had a great time munching down all the delicious snacks. 

"I think this piece is perfect." As Seokhoon works on his laptop, playing the track again. 

Rona smiles at their creation. 

"I never thought we can make such a great team!" Rona high fives with Seokhoon and Wonjoon. 

As the boys edit the music track, Rona gets a text. 

It was from Jenny.

Rona smiles and walks off to give Jenny a call. 

WHAT IF- Rona x Seokhoon (Penthouse) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now