What would you choose?

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An awkward silence between the two sides of the coffee table. 

The table was large, but the confrontation between the two sides of the coffee table was strong. 

"Ahjussi, you better have a good explanation why you have to see Rona." Seokkyung crossed her arms and sat across Bae Ho Cheol, with Rona by her side.

Seokhoon sat on the other side of Rona, and surprisingly, InYoup also came and sat next to Seokkyung. 

Rona looked very awkwardly at Bae Ho Cheol, a little embarrassed. 

It seems as if Bae Ho Cheol was going on an interview with four invigilators. 

Rona sneaked an awkward laugh, trying to hold Seokkyung off. 

Seokhoon and Rona exchanged an embarrassing look at each other and at Bae Ho Cheol. 

"Seokkyung would you like to get some coffee for us? Go with InYoup, I'll pay, get whatever you want." Rona comforted Seokkyung, holding her arm. 

Seokkyung stared back at Rona, scaring her a little. 

"No." She simply replied, pouting. 

She went back on a staredown with Bae Ho Cheol. 

"If it wasn't that I had sneaked a peek at Rona and confronted her, I wouldn't have known you tried to meet her after hurting her and Yoonhee ahjuma?" Seokkyung questioned. 

Bae Ho Cheol laughed embarrassingly, sipping on his coffee, at this little bold girl before him. 

He had acknowledged her powerful aura yesterday at Rona's show. He knew she was daring at her words, but little did he know she was this, daring. 

But somehow, he was actually pleased to know Rona is being blessed with friends and people who loved her. At least she is not alone. 

"Ya, what do you think you are doing!?" Seokkyung disregarded the part about respecting a senior. "You adults always think that you are doing the best for us but when all you do are destroying our mentality." Seokkyung pointed out angrily. 

Rona looked a little embarrassed and exchanged a look with Seokhoon. 

"Sorry, Appa..." Rona spoke, trying to calm Seokkyung down. 

"Sorry? Appa?" Seokkyung exclaimed to Rona. "Bae Rona! Stop being so nice!!" 

Meantime, Seokhoon gestured InYoup to calm Seokkyung down and get her out of the coffee shop so that Rona and Bae Ho Cheol could have a proper chat. 

InYoup disregarded Seokhoon's gestures, supporting and agreeing to Seokkyung's actions. 

Seokhoon sighed and rolled his eyes. 

He got up and took Seokkyung by the hand and in a sweep took her in his arms, running her out of the coffee shop, disregarding the screams from her. InYoup was shocked, but he couldn't react quick enough at the Joo twins' surprise act. 

"InYoup, please," Rona asked him as InYoup stood up in shock at Seokhoon's actions. 

"Just for a little while." 

Somehow, something in Rona's words reminded him of his own life. And he obediently took Seokkyung's purse with him, and calmly walked out of the coffee shop. 

Rona looked at the three figures that stood outside the coffee shop, all eyes on them. She surprisingly left a chuckle. 

"Glad you are being loved." Bae Ho Cheol spoke. 

WHAT IF- Rona x Seokhoon (Penthouse) ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora