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Logan drives Rona and Seokhoon back to Hera Palace, living at the hospital was fun with Rona together, but Seokhoon still felt that home was better. 

But is the penthouse ever his home again? 

Every corner of it has his father's shadows, especially the secret passageway, a place of his nightmares. 

"Your mother is waiting for you back at the Penthouse," Logan speaks as he gets on the car and puts his seatbelt on. Rona and Seokhoon sit at the back. Once they were ready, the driver drove on. 

"How about my sister?" Seokhoon asks. 

"Also at the penthouse, helping your mother out." 

Rona and Seokhoon look at each other, a little confused. These days at the hospital, they were pretty much minding their own business and did not know much about what has happened at Hera palace, not even mentioning, their friends. 

"Where's my mother?" Rona also asks. 

"Also at the Penthouse, kids." 

Sooner than they think, they arrived at Hera palace. 

Their return caused quite the buzz, as the Penthouse kids, were recognised by the people at Hera palace immediately. They were not given a break at all. 

Especially to Seokhoon, he could feel the eyes burning through his skin, people's attention, people's judgments, people's despise. 

Of course, it's the Hera Palace. The place where gossips spread the quickest. 

No matter how much they try to argue against the accusations towards them, people would not understand. 

But Seokhoon knew, a lot of his private life will soon be on the table, exposed by the media, as their father's secrets get exposed. 

Rona could feel Seokhoon's anxiety. He was shivering so much, even though he looked calm on the outside. She slides her hand into Seokhoon's hand and held tight to him. 

Seokhoon looks at Rona, and let out a small smile of relief. 

The both of them and Logan were escorted back to the Penthouse, as protection, physically and mentally from the residents of Hera Palace. 

Rona understood how tough it was to be accused. 

She's been there, done that. Those time when her mother was accused as a murderer of Aunt Suryeon's death, she had been the "murderer's daughter". She was spat on, chased after, bullied, beaten up. 

Back then, she had nobody. 

She cried, she beats herself up for being useless, she even thought about ending her life. 

But when she saw her mother, once again, she stood back up, she stood stronger. 

She didn't have anyone back then to hold her hand, say it's ok to her. 

But she got through it. 

Now, she wants to be everything Seokhoon needed. A person to comfort, to stay with him, to be his only support, to mend all the wounds on his heart. 

As they enter the lift, Logan presses 100 - Penthouse. 

The three of them stood silently in the lift. 

They were meant to face society's judgements. Every single one of them has some level of sin on them, they can't throw them away just as they wanted. 

It was their burden to carry. 

With heavy hearts, Rona leaned closer to Seokhoon and had one hand still tightly gripping onto Seokhoon, and another leaning on his arms, as she lay her head on Seokhoon's arms. 

Seokhoon looks at Rona and tapped his other hand on his arm where Rona's hand was. 

At this moment, they really just want to be alone, with each other's comfort. 

The lift arrives at the Penthouse in a speed light. 

As they step out to the hallways, Rona and Seokhoon were stunned by the view. 

Many workers were drilling and taking things out from the Penthouse, and people were busy renovating the whole Penthouse. 

As they walk in, one of the most appealing differences from the house was that Ju Dan Tae's study room was being knocked down. All the glass shattered, the waterway stopped, the books destroyed, and the secret pathway.... broken down. 

A rush of joy and relief came to Seokhoon's heart as he sees that disgusting study room being knocked down. How he wished that he could be the one to knock the place down one by one. 

As they walk towards the main living room, Yoon Hee and Suryeon were sitting there discussing the renovation. Seokkyung sits on the side of the sofa, playing with her phone. 

"Suryeon, Yoon Hee." Logan calls to the ladies. 

The ladies looked back and were happy that Seokhoon and Rona were back. 

Seokkyung immediately rushes to help his brother sit down, and she sits close to him, bugging about the noise and everything. 

"Omma, what is happening?" Rona asks Yoon Hee. 

"We are renovating the Penthouse." Yoon Hee replies. "From now on, we will be moving into the Penthouse."

Author's Note: 

I honestly think Yoon Hee would move into the Penthouse with Suryeon.... They were like sisters, and I believe Yoon Hee would make it happen that she will take over Ju Dan Tae's place as the owner of the Penthouse..... 

Really busy for Easter lately cuz I've got extra work during the holidays! But a short episode to keep things updating! 


I got a major heart attack from the last episode of PENTHOUSE S2!!!! WATTTTTT

I nearly broke my screen about the shocking scenes!! And so much has happened that my brain will be flipping the heck out!!!!! ARGGHHHHHHHHH

No spoilers, but feel free to come back to the comments and chat with me about the contents after you've watched it cuz I can't believe it 


n I need more SeokRo scenes. I literally went back n forth the scenes where Seokhoon is with Rona, like a non-stop loop. Petition there be more than one kiss scene in S3.... I mean in this fanfic they already kiss more than twice... honestly I can't see why not in the drama hahaha

N also... I think Seokkyung's character is so interesting and mesmerizing! 

Ok, I need to calm down.... more tomorrow! 

Happy Reading! 

WHAT IF- Rona x Seokhoon (Penthouse) ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt