As expected

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After getting Rona and Jenny all dressed up as princesses, or maybe you could say dolls, Seokkyung and InYoup also got themselves dressed properly for the event. 

"Wish you best of luck, Rona, Jenny. Fighting!" Seokkyung cheered for them. 

Rona accepted Seokkyung's cheer, and Jenny simply smiled. 

They went to the waiting room to get ready while Seokkyung, Seokhoon, Wonjoon and InYoup headed out to the hall, ready for the audition show. 

They spotted Logan, Suryeon and Yoonhee seated in the centre of the hall. 

Seokkyung waved happily to her mother, held onto InYoup's arm and led him towards the seats. InYoup naturally lets her drag him to the seats. But the two seems to totally ignore how the two boys following behind were simply shocked about the casual gesture of Seokkyung towards InYoup. 

They sat at the seats behind Suryeon, Logan and Yoonhee. 

"InYoup-ah, Ahjuma didn't get to ask you more just now when we first met. Are just modelling now? What are you studying?"

"Omma! Stop being weird!" Seokkyung exclaimed.

Logan and Yoonhee laughed on the side as Suryeon turned to ask InYoup, shocking him a little. 

"I am actually studying music, specialising in musicals. Maybe in the near future, I'll get to work with great singers like Rona and Jenny in this spectacular hall."

YoonHee smiled at InYoup's answer. "Aw InYoup, you're so sweet." 

Seokkyung smiled at InYoup's answer, proud of her friend. 

But the two boys weren't all jolly. 

"Why did he have to mention our girlfriends only?" Wonjoon pouted. 

"I agree," Seokhoon whispered. 

Seokkyung noticed the two boys whispering on the side. 

"You two stop bickering about my friend." Seokkyung pats on Seokhoon's shoulder hard. 

"Well you should recognise if your friend is worth bringing, he doesn't seem friendly to me," Seokhoon commented. 

Seokkyung rolled her eyes. 

"Oppa I'm an adult not a kid anymore. I have the right to have any friends, okay? And plus Rona said it too, stop being so cold against having new friends. Even I made new friends. You can't have only Wonjoon forever." 

Wonjoon nearly wanted a throw a fist at Seokkyung. 

"Ya Seokkyung, Seokhoon is mine." 

Seokkyung puts her tongue out playfully. 

"Plus, I think InYoup would be a good friend to you. He's also really good on the piano." Seokkyung smiled. 

"But I think this InYoup guy likes you, that's why Seokhoon is being cautious," Wonjoon laughed, quite enjoying a fun gossip. He had quite inherited being the gossip couple with Jenny. 

Seokkyung punches Wonjoon on his shoulder. 

"Shut up. We are friends." 

Wonjoon rubs his arm in pain. It was quite a hard punch. 

"Nevermind. With this attitude, I doubt you'll have a boyfriend." 

Seokhoon laughs. 

"What are you guys talking about?" InYoup interfered after escaping a heated background check from Suryeon. 

WHAT IF- Rona x Seokhoon (Penthouse) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now