1 + 1 = You And I

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"Phew away from all the pressure!" Seokhoon was relieved from his burdens, stretching his arms out.

He and Rona escaped to their quiet spot in the rooftops.

Rona giggled beside Seokhoon, stretching herself too.

The two laughed at their synchronised movements. All these wonderful years together already made them feel more like a family than ever.

Seokhoon looked to his love, bringing her into his arms, hugging her from behind. He laid his chin on top of her head, as the two breathed in the soft city breezes from the rooftop.

"Nice and quiet," Rona whispered.

Seokhoon nodded and sneaked a kiss on Rona's cheeks. She giggled at the ticklish feeling.

As they are moving up a year in SNU, the workload has increased, but they managed to spare quality time with each other. They have been in the plan to head abroad as the school offered them spots for Julliard as exchange students. A lot of things have been piling up and they have been trying their best to balance things out.

"Did the professor ask you about Julliard again?" Rona asked Seokhoon.

Seokhoon nodded, tapping his chin gently on Rona's head.

"Will you go?" Rona spoke, somehow a little worried.

Seokhoon paused at the thought and turned Rona to face him. He took the soft blanket on the side and wrapped his love in it, before bringing her back into his warm embrace.

"I told you, my little Prima Donna. I'll go whenever you will be. I know Professor kept asking you to head to Julliard too."

Rona smiled at the words.

"I guess I might... but... I don't know, I'm contemplated. I'll be leaving Omma again."

"It's just a few years. Besides," Seokhoon looked into Rona's sparkling eyes. "You will have me."

Rona giggled. Indeed she does.

"Are you going to be attaching yourself to me?"

"Tightly." Seokhoon proudly proclaimed.

Rona smiled. She hasn't been happier than this moment, knowing that her love will be with her every step in the future.

"I've seriously thought about it. It would help with our career development if we head over there. At least I suppose Clark would be all hands in." Seokhoon spoke.

Rona nodded in agreement.

"I just didn't want to be alone," Rona spoke before turning to Seokhoon. "But I'm glad you'll be with me."

Seokhoon smiled.

As Rona looked at the beautiful night view of Seoul, Seokhoon admired her beauty.

"Well, I'm surprised everyone is so looking forward to us getting married." Rona joked. "We're still so..."

Rona sensed the silence behind her. She couldn't hear Seokhoon's heavy breaths behind her, which questioned her.

As she turned her head back, what was displayed before her shocked her.

"SEOKHOON!" She exclaimed.

Seokhoon was on one knee, a red velvet ring box in his hand, where a shimmering engagement ring was placed within it.

He was prepared, actually.

He fooled everyone at the dinner table. He was actually prepared. He was ready to take his first love as his last love. No one could complete his life more than Rona does.

WHAT IF- Rona x Seokhoon (Penthouse) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now