Being with you

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"Rehearsal in 15 minutes!" Seokhoon announces on the mic that broadcasts to all the students in the hall and backstage at the music centre.

Seokhoon stands in the middle of the stage, dressed in an all-black suit, very tall, postured and much fitting to his position as the director for the whole show. Out of the three, Wonjoon Rona and Seokhoon, Seokhoon was perfect for the part as the director. And indeed, he was proving he is perfect for it, as Suryeon had taught him well enough.

And plus, while his time at university, he had started managing a lot of her mother's business.

He points back and forth the hall with the staff, discussing the details with them when he hears someone calling him. He looks up to find Ha Eunbyeol, dressed in a lemon puffy dress bejewelled with diamonds walking in the hall, waving at him, with Sojin proudly following her.

Seokhoon had a chill down his back and put his hand in his forehead and rubbed his hair, annoyed.

At the same time, he hears Rona, Wonjoon and Jenny walking up to the stage, coming next to him.

"Wah. Crazy." Jenny scoffed. "It's just a rehearsal, not her solo show."

The others giggled a little.

Rona was in a short fitted pink denim dress and had her nude heels on. Jenny was in her blue floral short dress and white sneakers, and Wonjoon was in his usual white t-shirt, pink jacket, white pants and white sneakers. In comparison, Eunbyeol was quite extravagant.

Rona gently patted Seokhoon's shoulders, giving him support in such strenuous work, and Seokhoon smiled back, knowing Rona was there to back him up.

"Hey man, don't stress, got your back!" Wonjoon laughed. Jenny nodded cutely and Rona smiled, lovingly to Seokhoon. Seokhoon smiled.

Sojin walked up to the stage elegantly, greeting the musicians, her usual fake socialising, until she walked up to the four. Jenny scoffed at her and Wonjoon rolled his eyes.

Rona stood next to Seokhoon and he held her hand.

"I expect a good placement for Eunbyeol. Thank you for organising this, Seokhoon." Sojin pats on Seokhoon's shoulder, which was being shooked off by Seokhoon immediately.

Sojin was angry about Seokhoon's 'rudeness', but maintained a smile.

"Ah, Bae Rona." Sojin simply mentioned her name. "You seem to get well. 'Break a leg' in today's performance. I wonder what piece you will sing." Surprising Seokhoon and Rona, Sojin didn't sarcastically judge them. But they definitely heard the stress on the 'break a leg'.

"I will be sure to surprise you, Ms Cheon," Rona replied, smirking. 

Sojin was uncomfortable about the smirk, but simply gave them a nod and said a 'good job' to maintain her 'postures' before others, but her stern and hateful face is just revealed after she turns her back towards them.

Seokhoon and Rona sighed to each other.

Of course, they know it's a dumb decision as Seokkyung had been bugging them for days, telling them having Eunbyeol will do them no good. They knew, for sure, but still kept the decision for Eunbyeol to be in the show.

They thought,

To truly let her go in their lives, is to let her into this show so that for once and for all, they will no longer hold a grudge against her.

"It's okay, Seokhoon," Rona smiled.

"It's okay, Rona," Seokhoon copied Rona, leaving her giggling.

WHAT IF- Rona x Seokhoon (Penthouse) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now